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This archive contains all issues prior to the current week and the three
preceding weeks, which are published in
the main Tallrite Blog (www.tallrite.com/blog.htm).
The first issue appeared on Sunday 14th July
You can write to blog@tallrite.com |
2003 |
#37 - 27th April 2003 [123]
An American Ponders Iraq
DeLamarter, an American Fulbright scholar, has written a thought-provoking
overview of the mixed feelings of many non-Americans over the liberation of
Iraq and the prospect of its democratisation. It will shortly
be featured in Sobota, a Slovenian weekly newspaper; meanwhile with
the author's kind permission it has been published on this site here.
the war draws to a close, Mr DeLamarter discusses some of those who are
especially uneasy and/or hopeful :
are the 5,000 Saudi princes viewing the looting of Saddam's palaces and
wondering if the same could happen to their own. |
oppressed and restless Kurds of Syria, Iran and Turkey who, while their national
masters fret, are enviously watching the Iraqi Kurds
building on the decade of democracy that the no-fly zone has permitted
them. |
The Syrian opposition
are wondering if their opportunity has finally come as the country's ruling Ba'ath party
with dismay sees its Iraqi Ba'athist colleagues crushed. |
The Iranian clerics cling on to power in the teeth of a fierce
desire for democratic reforms among the populace. |
Meanwhile, Europeans politicians and others, who have been trying to salvage failed careers by
up to US aggression, find the vacuity of their behaviour is being
exposed to all. |
outlines some of the dilemmas now facing many people in Iraq, the Middle
East, the West :
to avoid the curse of oil, whose easy money usually leads to dictatorship, while
eroding people's productivity incentives. |
effect of a successful democratic Iraq on those neighbouring Muslims,
for whom rage against the West is the only permitted outlet for discontent
caused essentially by lack of life-opportunity and
abysmal services. Will their anger turn against their
dictatorial leaders, demanding that they too be liberated
? |
belief by many that America is driven not by the 21st century's trends
towards democracy and markets,
but by the 20th century's issues of empire, nationalism and communism
(none of which the US ever indulged in anyway). |
unwillingness to acknowledge America's robust support for Muslim causes, despite
its benign record in Suez, Kuwait, Kosovo, Afghanistan, not to mention its
tireless (if unsuccessful) efforts to broker an Israel/Palestine peace. |
suggests that the curious opposition of many Europeans to seeing the US
toppling Saddam and freeing Iraqis is founded on their own bloody and
destructive history, where over the centuries European military power was
used unambiguously to subdue conquered peoples. A well-intentioned invasion is
perhaps a concept beyond their understanding. Added to this is
envy at military might which Europe can never match, particularly since it
rejects defence spending comparable to America's.
who castigate American imperialism today are the same as those who refuse
to acknowledge the left-wing evils of Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Pol Pot, whose
murderous regimes they supported even as - until it fell - they supported Saddam's. Yet it was imperialist America
who left the Philippines when
asked, unlike the Red Army in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Poland, and |
who provides a secure future for its
workers, rather than the impoverishment of all those workers' paradises
(such as
USSR, Kampuchea, Cuba, N Korea to mention but a few). |
are no straightforward answers. One is just left with a sense that,
like it or not and despite the suspicions of many, we are forced to trust
that America, a free people enjoying the fruits of liberty, wants simply
to share these fruits with others.
time will demonstrate the truth or otherwise of this, in the crucible that
is Iraq.
to Index
Unfair American Behaviour
Do you remember how the anti-warriors used to say that an Iraqi
invasion would result in a never-ending Vietnam-style quagmire involving
hundreds and thousands of civilian and military casualties, with Iraq, the
cradle of civilisation, bombed back into the Stone Age ? Well, now
that they have been proved so spectacularly wrong, their rhetoric has
simply made a U-turn. Suddenly, the war was just a turkey-shoot of
defenseless conscripts, a walkover for the Americans, not a proper war at
all, a thoroughly unfair contest. No credit to military
prowess whatsoever. And anyway, the real battle will be the
rebuilding of Iraq where the Americans will fail.
Of course, they are right about one thing. America's behaviour
has been utterly unfair in not giving Saddam a sporting chance while
depriving war-critics of ammunition. Think about it.
They tried to decapitate the leadership - twice. And may even
have succeeded. How fair is that ? |
They bombed only Government ministries, Ba'ath party buildings, military
placements, aircraft on the ground and command-and-control telecommunications facilities,
instead of carpet bombing the cities and providing civilian
casualties in their thousands for the TV cameras. |
The moment the bombing commenced, the ground forces invaded,
catching everyone by surprise, instead of
waiting a month like the last time, |
waiting for reinforcements still en-route in the Mediterranean. |
relentlessly canonballed north through the country, giving the terrified defenders
time to think, |
time to regroup, |
any time to run. |
warning, they grabbed the symbolic
Saddam International Airport when totally unexpected. |
liberated the entire country in less than a month (as, incidentally, predicted
in the 2nd
March issue of this blog) |
left all the looting to Iraqis instead of doing it themselves in the time-honoured
manner of conquering armies throughout history. |
had the temerity to quickly
convoys of food aid and medicines, |
restoration of power and water, |
out severely injured civilians
(such as little armless Ali) for the best medical attention. |
they upset Hans Blix by discrediting his investigations, prompting him
to complain,
It hurt us
and I felt a little displeased about it. |
and awe indeed.
is the fodder for anti-US propaganda in all this ? It is all so
deeply unfair.
to Index
Cheyney Dead, Not Saddam
Oops ! According to CNN, Dick Cheney, Bob Hope, Ronald Reagan,
Nelson Mandela and Fidel Castro are dead. They all died in
On 16th April last, CNN issued the five obituaries
on their website just long enough for a
few people to grab them, before they were withdrawn in embarrassment, some
20 minutes later.
As Mark Twain (not Will Rogers) once famously remarked,
Rumors of my death have been greatly
to Index
EU's Qualified Majority Voting Scam
You really have to watch these Eurocrats.
The Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis, current President of the European Council,
wrote a round-robin letter
to several EU newspapers several days ago to welcome the new members of the
EU. But he took the opportunity to slip in a remark that it is imperative
... to extend further qualified majority
Why ?
Simply because this would make EU law-creation smoother for law-makers by allowing them to ignore pesky
national vetos.
| Let's be clear about what qualified majority voting (QMV) actually is and
means. It is a methodology by which a majority of member States
can decide on a new law, against the wishes of a minority of States, but the
minority will be bound by them anyway. That, of course, is how
national democracy works and no-one has ever come up with a better method
of governing a country.
| But are you happy with the idea of other nations' democratically-elected governments compelling your own national democratically-
elected government to implement against its will laws it disagrees
with ?
| Let's also be clear about why the concept of QMV is so popular among
certain EU quarters. It is because EU law-creation becomes a lot easier
if the law-makers can simply disregard those irritating countries that
might disagree with them.
A particular target is taxation. Old Europe, to use that perjorative
but useful phrase, wants to force UK and Ireland, against their will, to raise their
(relatively low) taxation rates
because they attract an unfair share of foreign
investment. Otherwise, Old Europe can compete for such
investment only by lowering
their own taxation.
And that's painful for a politician as he then has to cut his costs
which he hates (though relentlessly urges it on business). |
The EU has more than enough laws already - 97,000
pages of them, for goodness' sake. If the well paid Eurocrats want to make new ones, let them work harder to convince
every member state, not just some.
QMV is a scam.
to Index
Going Naked for Peace
What is it that prompts women - and only women - to strip off their
clothes to support hopeless causes such as the continued wellbeing of homicidal
Middle East dictators ?
Last November, I reported
on fifty women from West Marin in the USA who spelt out PEACE,
wearing nothing but the afternoon rain.
to enlarge
Making their bodies a
figure of speech, they wanted to show
solidarity with the people of Iraq,
which meant no war and therefore - as we now know - solidarity with Saddam
while he continued to oppress the people of Iraq.
| For
much the same reason, a group of women in England recently cheered up
male police officers by confronting them in the nude, while |
| in
north-western Ireland, 48 naked women artists formed
themselves into the shape of the CND logo
(but unfortunately without photographers). |
happily, a three-girl Texas country-music group, the Dixie
Chicks have joined the bandwagon. They got into trouble when one
of them said,
on the eve of war, We're ashamed that the president of the United
States is from Texas. Fans were appalled, insults flew and album sales
dropped 40%, so she later apologised.
in an effort to rejuvenate business, Entertainment
Weekly has photographed
for next week's cover wearing nothing but the rich epithets hurled at them for
their disloyal remark.
Click to enlarge
I'm sure all right-thinking Muslims are delighted with all this
prurient un-Islamic nudity. You don't find them parading up and down
the streets of Kerbala with placards proclaiming Not
in my name.
is it not curious that men never ever strip off to promote a political
cause. Thank goodness.
to Index
SARS Cover-Ups
From going naked to covering up ...
The behaviour of the Chinese authorities was disgraceful in suppressing
for so long the spread of the SARS virus in Guangdong province and other parts of
the country, until the coughs and sneezes, not to mention deaths, became
so rife that the disease became impossible to hide. At least now
they are trying to do something about it. They have fired their health
minister and the mayor of Guandong so that the newcomers to these posts
can start with a clean slate, reliable statistics are being issued and suspected and actual SARS sufferers are
now being quarantined.
From the time Mao Tse Tung conquered China in
1948 until the 1980s, Hong Kong was the reluctant recipient of millions of
unwelcome refugees fleeing from the communist regime in neighbouring
So it was to be expected that Hong Kong would
also be on the receiving end of the unwelcome coughs, sneezes and
breathing difficuties that come with the migration of SARS. Its
simultaneously-launched tourism campaign, however, provided
unfortunate irony.
SARS is not only an unpleasant and sometimes deadly virus, but one that
is already costing affected economies millions of
And of course it wasn't just a foul communist dictatorship that
concealed it. There is a liberal western democracy that did exactly
the same, but for even longer, and with millions at stake.
SARS symptoms first appeared in September of last year, during an
intense examination of a potential sufferer. After two days
of close scrutiny, it became clear that he was not exhibiting the classic
SARS symptoms. But what was concealed for a long time was that another man
seated nearby in the
waiting area was clearly a sufferer, unable to control his coughs and
sneezes. It then slowly emerged that vapours in his coughs
were so toxic that they were causing mental derangement in the original
suspect, whose thought processes simply seized up. He couldn't tell
Berlin from Paris, a megatron from a gigabyte. His wife, who was
close by, was
also affected, primarily evidenced through her eyeballs which would switch
back and forth and roll uncontrollably in their sockets.
The authorities were so alarmed by all this that they paid the original
suspect a
massive seven-figure sum to go away, though later had second thoughts and
took it back. Meanwhile, the record of the curious two-day
interview was kept well hidden from all but a few prying eyes while officialdom
tried to figure out exactly what had been going on.
It was only after China made its full confession about covering up its
SARS, that Britain - yes, for that was the liberal western democracy -
owned up to its own coughing and sneezing scandal, and Her Majesty
graciously decided to provide the three suspected sufferers with 12-18
months of quarantine at her generous expense.
In a 1½-hour televised exposé last week, the truth was finally
released. The coughing and sneezing SARS sufferer turned out to be a
university lecturer, using the alias Tecwen
Whittock. His virulent coughs had caused not only derangement in
the original suspect, a retired Army major Charles
Ingram, but also deafness because the good major says he is unable to
hear coughs. His wife Diana still seems to suffer from the
It is believed the various symptoms will have disappeared by the end of
the trio's well-earned year-plus of quarantine.
Of course, this is not the first time that Her Majesty has had a brush
with a deranged Charles and a Diana with out-of-control eyes ....
to Index
Quote of the Week
: "Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability"
Gorgeous George Galloway, British Labour
anti-war pro-Iraq MP,
addressing Saddam Hussein in person in 1994,
rebroadcast by Sky TV on 22nd April 2003.
Iraqi foreign ministry documents
Mr Galloway was paid £375,000
a year by the regime.
to Index
#36 - 13th April 2003
NOTE : No blog issued on
Easter Sunday 20th April 2003
The UN Must Re-earn its
Right to be Involved
In a stunning military performance of unparalleled virtuosity by America
and Britain, the Iraq war is now virtually over, and with an unprecedentedly
small number of their own and of non-combatant casualties, regrettable
though each of these is.
What now needs immediate resolution is who is going to take
responsibility for rebuilding Iraq, physically, humanitarian-wise and
Most people, in their hearts, and all things being equal, would
probably want this to be led and undertaken by the international community
as a whole, namely the United Nations, until such time as Iraqis
themselves can take over. The UN exists for just such a
But, of course, things are not equal.
In the recent few months, as in the past decade or so, the UN has shown
itself unequal to meeting its responsibilities - unless they are easy. This
incompetence has killed innocent people in the hundreds of thousands. In
Somalia, in Rwanda, in Bosnia, in Kosovo, to name just recent examples. At
least in the latter two, American firepower came to the rescue to stop
further carnage - against the UN's wishes.
And of course UN incompetence has prevailed in Iraq, where for 12 years it failed to deal with Saddam
beyond issuing 17 high-minded Resolutions, which it then failed to
implement. As a result, Saddam was able to continue murdering his
civilians at a rate of 5,000 per year as well as financing
every suicide bomber in Israel and hanging on to his WMD. The final UN resolution, 1441, declared that he was already
in material breach and if he didn't immediately disarm serious
would follow. When he didn't disarm, the UN pretended that serious
didn't mean war - in other words it
meant more resolutions, more
inspections, more troops on the border with orders not to
dereliction of resolve meant that the USA has once again had to go to war to rescue
others, with the aid of Britain, as it has been doing since it rescued
Europe from the Kaisar and the Ottomans in 1918.
decades later, after a six-year war, America, with Britain and its allies,
overthrew totalitarian regimes in Italy, Germany and Japan, replacing each with
model democracies that prevail to this day.
United Nations was then established, in 1946, to prevent future wars,
which had been previously been the function of the defunct and discredited
League of Nations that had failed to prevent WW2.
Since then, the UN has risen to the challenge of difficult military action
just twice - and with success. It approved war, led by America :
to prevent Kim Il Sung (father of Kim Jong Il), in the 1950s, from extending his brutal
totalitarian regime of North Korea to the South, allowing Southerners
to prosper to this day; |
to drive Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait in 1991, allowing Kuwaitis to
prosper to this day. |
But in all the other major international confrontations with
totalitarian regimes, the UN has shirked its responsibilities and left the
dirty work to America while simultaneously disapproving and trying to
prevent it.
By such machinations, the UN has demonstrated that it is simply
incompetent to deal with difficult situations and therefore cannot be
trusted to take the lead in the reconstruction of Iraq, liberated thanks
only to the blood, military prowess, determination and money of America
and Britain.
Only America has the ability to lead and co-ordinate this
reconstruction, and - through war - the authority to do so. The UN can serve a worthy and useful rôle by
offering to America its services, such as humanitarian assistance. But as US Vice President Dick Cheney
brutally put
it, we don't believe that the United Nations is equipped
to play [the] central role.
An understatement.
the better the UN performs, the more responsibility it should be
given in the months and years ahead.
And who knows, at some point in the (distant ?) future, it might
once again be trusted to take a leading position in a delicate and
difficult international situation.
But not yet. It must re-earn its spurs.
The governments of Russia, France and China, who did most to destroy
the competence of the UN over Iraq, should take heed.
Tallrite Blog readers
From the Letters page.
to Index
Long Live Looters
Among the most heart-warming television images last week was the sight
of looters rampaging through Basra and parts of Baghdad on Wednesday 9th
April, the day that Baghdad fell.
A car
stolen here, a chair there, a vaseful of flowers, a computer, a battered
fridge, an electric fan.
Young men joyful in their Manchester United T-shirts as they carry off trophies from
buildings until days ago occupied by the hated Saddamite
regime. Of course some trophies are more ambitious - a
speedboat dragged along the tarmac by a bus, a generator by a
If ever there was a sign of things returning to normality, it was the
sight of those looters doing what comes naturally. On a scale
of badness, nothing the looters were doing came anywhere close to the
ongoing evil doings of the Ba'athist regime just the day
Oh, and in east Baghdad, though the French Embassy was under French
military protection, the unprotected German Embassy and French cultural
centre were, according to the New
York Times, stripped
of furniture, curtains, decorations, and anything else that could be
carried away. At the French cultural centre, where looters burst water
pipes and flooded the ground floor, books were left floating in the
reading rooms and corridors, and a photograph of Jacques Chirac, the
French president, was smashed.
I wonder why.
It has also been amusing to see the beleagured and intellectually defeated
anti-warriors in the West seize on looting as a new and welcome cause
célèbre. The soldiers should, they say, stop chasing the regime
immediately and chase the looters instead, to avoid - yes, once, again - a
humanitarian disaster. The lack of humanitarian disaster is, of
course, a source of deep disappointment for the anti-warriors, as well as
for the UN aid agencies and countless NGOs.
The Americans and British will complete their rout of the ancien regime in
the remaining days of this war. There will be plenty
of time after that to enforce civil law and order under the replacement
In the meantime, let the looters enjoy themselves. Long live the
to Index
Gordon Divorces Prudence
When the UK Labour party's Gordon Brown became Chancellor
in 1997, he did two things that secured the markets' and the nation's
trust in Labour's ability to manage the economy competently. Having
inherited a booming economy from the Conservatives,
in a pre-emptive strike within days of taking office, he liberated the Bank of England by
allowing it to set interest rates, so taking control out of the
hands of venal politicians of the day, and |
he stuck to the stringent spending limits set by the
Conservatives for Labour's entire four-year first term. |
Prudence was his favoured word through six annual budget
speeches of economic probity, but it was uttered through gritted teeth. For at heart, Mr
Brown is an old-labour tax-and-spend socialist, masquerading as a New
Labour believer in market forces. He is convinced that problems
are solved and the poor made rich by throwing taxpayers money at every
Last week, at last, he felt secure enough to let his
socialist principles shine through. He divorced Prudence and married
He built his entire budget around his growth
of 3-3½% for both 2004 and 2005.
This is pretty adventurous compared to last year's 1.8% and the 2% that
most economists are predicting for this year. He is, in short,
gambling on another boom just round the corner and is spending the proceeds
now. Yet
the UK's main export markets are stagnating, |
its housing market,
which has fuelled much of the recent paltry growth, is slowing
and |
take home pay is being chipped away by
an income tax hike that kicks in this month, |
a swathe of stealth taxes that have been sneaked in
over the past four years, and |
yet another raid on tobacco and alcohol. |
His growth forecasts are fantasy. And when they fail to
materialise, this year's £24bn borrowing requirement - forecast to drop
by £3bn next year - is more likely to jump by that amount.
Mr Brown will then raise taxes, because his socialist soul will
not let him cut public
spending. This will exacerbate the
drag on growth and revenue further. A truly vicious circle.
In the light of the unfounded optimism of yesterdays performance, it is no
wonder that the stockmarket shrugged off the good news from
Left to his own devices, Mr Brown's continued abandonment of Prudence
will cause the unnecessary downward spiral that will result in Labour's
defeat at the next election.
But by whom ? There's no-one else !
to Index
Demoting European Culture
Last week, a bunch of unemployed national presidents, prime ministers, princesses
and other dignitaries from Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Ireland,
Poland, Hungary, Romania, Finland, the European Commission, the European Foundation
Centre and la Fondazione Romaeuropa, wrote a round-robin letter, titled Promoting
European Culture,
to a dozen
European newspapers. The only English-language version
is in the Irish Times (the UK was excluded) and since this is
subscription-only, you can read a transcript here.
These eminent personages inform us, in the main message of the letter, that, the essence of a consciousness of
common European identity is culture. To protect and promote culture is one of the most important tasks in Europe
It isn't. It's just one more excuse to skirt around completing the
one task that will do most to improve the quality of lives of citizens of
the EU.
The EU politicians, bureaucrats, would-bes and has-beens should direct
their energies towards removing the remaining protectionist,
poverty-creating barriers to the free trade that is the essence and
overwhelming success of the EU.
Start with the Common Agricultural Policy, continue with insurance,
pharmacology, etc. The list is long, difficult and unglamorous.
But it will do far more good than fluffing around with such things as
culture, a constitution, a single foreign policy and so on, which
Europe's great and good seem to enjoy so much.
To my surprise, the Irish Times published my insulting
reply along the above lines.
to Index
Love Saddam Hate Rugby
To be anti-war, you must want it to stop immediately,
which as I pointed out last
week means you want defeat for America, victory for Saddam.
However being anti-war is not simply to hate Bush and love
Saddam. You must also hate European rugby. For all the
biggest and best demos have been cunningly timed to coincide with major rugby
15 Feb
First global protests,
110 cities, tens of millions
Opening games of Six Nations
½m demonstrators in London
span the continents
Grand Slam Final (England defeats Ireland)
Global demonstrations,
100 cities
European Rugby Cup
Quarter Finals begin
So would-be protestors have had to choose : rugby or
Is rugby really that bad ?
to Index
Ali is the nickname given by some to Mohammed Saeed
al-Sahaf, Iraqi
Minister of Information (currently on administrative
for his many pronouncements of impending Iraqi victory.
feelings - as usual - we will slaughter them all.
Conn Nugent, who runs an environmentalist
foundation in New York, has set up a special website for him. It contains -
all the classic quotes from his
wartime press conferences, |
well as those he never
said during some of history's greatest battles. The
Emperor Napoleon, God bless him, has cut the throats of the British
mercenary dogs at Waterloo. We are already, as I am speaking,
besieging London. These are simple truths. Vive la France
!. |
also offers souvenir T-shirts, mugs and BBQ aprons for sale. |
It has a wonderful name, www.welovetheiraqiinformationminister.com.
You've got to have a look.
on 12th April Irish radio revealed a little-known anecdote about his
compatriot, Saddam's cousin Ali Hassan al-Majid, better known as Chemical
Ali, who is believed to have been killed last week. It seems his son
is working as a consultant doctor in Dublin's Beaumont
Hospital. In chemotherapy, perhaps ?
note : I was mistaken. The Dublin doctor is the son not of
Chemical Ali but of Comical Ali himself. Therefore, I can only
assume he's in the anaesthesia department administering the laughing
to Index
Quote of the Week
don't make it our business to steal other people's wealth and
occupy their real estate.
US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld
at a TV news conference in Washington on 9th April
when asked about US intentions post-Saddam
to Index
#35 - 6th April 2003 [106]
Abysmal War Reporting
From the outset, I have found the reportage of the Iraq war to be
pretty abysmal. Much as our TV screens have been filled with images
distant explosions, |
tanks crossing the desert, |
brave frontline reporters, |
injured children in hospital, |
outraged Iraqi citizens, |
defiant generals {on both sides}, |
it has been very difficult to get an objective view of overall
Each reporter reports as best he can what he sees. But the
majority see only what they're allowed to see. Moreover, they have
no idea of the significance of what they are seeing (is it a big important
battle or a minor skirmish ?). And with no access to their
counterparts elsewhere in the theatre, they cannot judge where it fits
into an overall picture. Therefore, all they can provide is a
thousand pinpoints of light, with no lines to join them up and form an
overall picture.
There are three main categories of reporters on the ground in
There are those who are embedded with individual units of the
American and British forces, on whose activities they report but
within strict guidelines. And because they
live and move with their units, after a while they tend to bond with
them, to go
to succumb to the Stockholm Syndrome. Hence no adverse remarks
cross their lips. And that's just how the armed forces like
it. And if perchance a reporter does break the rules, he
will be swiftly removed back to Kuwait.
In the past few days, some army and Marine units have, moreover, forbidden
reporters to use a type of satellite phone, called a Thuraya, allegedly
because the phone's signal would broadcast troop locations to the Iraqi
military, but some reporters suspect they wanted to curtail reporting even
Then there are those reporting from Baghdad. They are all
coralled within the same Palestine Hotel, the co-ordinates given to
the Americans to ensure it doesn't get bombed. The Iraqi
authorities bus them around en masse to view bombed markets and
bleeding children, but never the ruins of military, political or party
establishments. And every single one of them has a Ba'ath Party
minder, monitoring every move and every report.
Misbehaviour is rewarded with a banning order, with no reason given,
as recently happened to an Al-Jazeera
reporter. Al-Jazeera
responded by suspending
the work of all its correspondents in Iraq.
And they too can go
like National Geographic's Peter Arnett did in deriding on Iraqi TV
the strategy and intentions of the US/British coalition.
National Geographic sacked
him for his pains.
Finally, there are the independent reporters, who nominally roam at
will across the country. But in fact they too only get to those
parts that the armed forces will permit. And their reports seem
to stray very little from the turgid stuff served up by the controlled
journalists. Not one seems to be trying -
to have a look at what it is exactly that those cruise missiles
are hitting night after night. |
to interview Iraqi citizens in private to find out what they
really think, or |
to find out how many Iraqi military are being killed (100s ?,
1,000s ? 10,000s ?), or |
to share with us the contents of those psy-ops leaflets that
which we're told America is bombarding them with. |
Well, maybe they are, but the networks won't run them for fear such
insubordination will unembed
their own reporters. (Nevertheless, why has no-one, in Afghanistan
as in Iraq, attempted to fly cheap model airplanes with a simple TV
monitor attached to see what exactly happens when those massive missiles
hit the ground ?)
In any case, the Americans are quite prepared to summarily deal with unruly
journalists, even if independent. RTP
Portuguese TV reporters Luis
Castro and Victor Silva were held for four days, had their
equipment, vehicle and video tapes confiscated, and were then escorted out
of Iraq by the 101st Airborne Division. No-one seems to know what
they did wrong.
Likewise, the Iraqi authorities seem to have eliminated Salam
Pax, the pseudonym of a native Baghdad blogger who gained huge
popularity for independently reporting on goings-on within the capital,
and from an Iraqi civilian's viewpoint. His last entry is dated
24th March. The BBC is suspected of having given him
So in summary, what we are learning from the media is only what the
armed forces on both sides allow us to know. And to that extent we
might as well just tune into the official news conferences in Baghdad,
Kuwait and
Doha and make our own minds up about the fact-to-propaganda ratio.
The reporters on the ground add very little.
But there is a fourth category of intrepid reporter.
The BBC has recently had much fun telling us about Radio Swaziland's
Baghdad correspondent Phesheya Dubede. He has been risking life and
limb to file daily reports about the bombings and other goings on in
Baghdad, while his radio host back in Swaziland has been giving him earnest
warnings, such as please
a cave somewhere to be safe from missiles.
Except that eagle-eyed Swazi MPs recently spotted
Mr Dubede strolling around the parliament building in downtown Mbane, the
capital. It seems he simply relayed to his listeners information he gleaned
each morning from CNN, Reuters, the Internet etc. From a broom
cupboard as one wag put it.
His audience
seemed happy enough, though, since the quality of his reporting was no worse than
that of, say, BBC's own Scud
the ever-cool Rageh Omaar
in Baghdad.
It illustrates my point about how poor is the quality of reportage.
to Index
For or Against the War
In the build-up to the Iraq war, people across the world expressed
their views, for and against the prospect of war, with extraordinary passion and the antis
staged many outstandingly successful public demonstrations. This debate extended to the
politicians and parliamentarians, most famously in the spat between
Jacques Chirac (Chiraq ?) and Tony Blair.
The only area of broad agreement was that the Saddam Hussein regime was
Assuming they were following their consciences, or at least what they
felt was their national interests, these people were right to behave so,
and thank God lived under regimes that permitted them to. My own observation
was that the pros argued with more reason than passion, the antis the
other way round, and in my view that is because it was very hard for the
antis to make a coherent case.
In the end, the pros won the contest, the antis lost, and the war was
Naturally, many antis are still unhappy for one can hardly expect them
to change their views overnight.
However the environment of the
debate has now changed dramatically and for the first time placed
responsibilities and consequences on both sides.
For no-one any longer has the luxury of saying, as most antis have
been, that I'm against the
war and against Saddam.
Quite simply, to say you are against the war is to to advocate that the
war be stopped forthwith and the troops brought home, as UK
ex-Foreign Secretary Robin Cook extraordinarily
(and treasonably) did. This, in turn, is to state quite
clearly that you want Saddam to win. For if the troops do stop
and leave, not only will Saddam interpret this as a famous victory, but it
will be a famous victory. Saddam will, unequivocally,
have defeated America and its coalition partners.
And he will never ever be
removed. And when he dies (he is 65), his odious sons will take
over, just as Kim Jong Il took over on the death of his evil father Kim Il
Sung and perpetuated the dangerous Stalinist regime in North Korea to this
So, those who are genuinely against this war but don't love Saddam
should stay silent and eschew public protests. They should keep it to themselves; say nothing, write
nothing, do nothing.
Otherwise, every utterance or action will provide comfort to Saddam, discourage his
people from rebelling, demoralise the coalition troops. And as such
it will lengthen the war and increase the casualties.
But those who want Saddam to continue in power, should by all means say so, and
accept the associated opprobrium.
The stark choice facing all of us is :
to support Bush and hope for a speedy victory with a minimum of casualties,
or |
to support Saddam and hope for America's defeat, an everlasting
Saddamite regime, and all that that entails. |
There is no longer any middle way.
Anti-war = Pro-Saddam.
to Index
Of Arms and Oil
Where did Saddam Hussein get his weapons ? The Stockholm International Peace Research
Institute tells
us that over the period
1973-2002, Iraq, under Saddam's rule, imported its arms :
to the tune of 82% from those
fervent anti-warriors of the UN Security Council Russia/USSR, France and China,
while the warmongering coalition
of the willing
currently fighting in Iraq
- ie fellow Security Councillors America and Britain, together
with Australia - provided barely
1%. |
Click to enlarge;
click your BACK button to return
The full data are neatly illustrated
by another blogger who calls himself the Dissident Frogman.
Clearly, defeat of Saddam will mean an end to this arms industry gravy
train for the three big naysayers.
But that's not all. Dr Nimrod Raphaeli, a respected Egyptian economist, advances
other economic reasons - particularly centred around the oil opportunities
they will lose - why the war is bad for the economies of Russia and
France, as well as Germany.
So that familiar cry that the war is all
about oil may be close to the truth - for it is the opposition
of the anti-war countries that is largely all about oil. As
it is all about arms.
is little morality, integrity or humanity about the anti-warriors'
to Index
Crazy World
You know the world is going
crazy when
the best rapper is a white guy, |
the best golfer is a black guy, |
the Swiss hold the America's Cup, |
France is accusing the US of arrogance, and |
Germany doesn't want to go to war. |
to Index
Vatican Dictionary and Gays
The Vatican seems to go out of its way to alienate members of the Roman
Catholic Church.
It's just issued a new dictionary and uses the opportunity to have
another go at gays. The dictionary calls homosexuality a condition without
any social value. And it counsels against stigmatizing
as homophobic those who raise questions about homosexuality. That's
like saying don't stigmatize prelates who protect
paedophile priests.
The sin is not the sin; the exposure of the
is the sin.
The new lexicon reflects Vatican teaching that homosexual acts
are intrinsically
disordered, and Pope John Paul has said such
acts are contrary to natural
As I commented
last October, Monsignor Andrew Baker
of the Vatican's Congregation of Bishops has made extraordinary
statements regarding homosexuality, essentially painting it as a
curable disease. Like leprosy.
Nevertheless, the Church also tells us that gays and lesbians should be treated with compassion
and dignity, having repeatedly made the case that they deserve
They are the only group in the Church for whom celibacy is mandatory
who have not taken a vow of celibacy.
to Index
Let Your Credit
Card Protect You
According to the Motley
Fool, an online investment adviser, credit cards do more than allow
you to buy on credit.
Under UK law, when you use it for goods of between £100 and
£30,000, your contract is with both the trader and issuer, who therefore
have equal liability for anything that goes wrong. Very useful if
your purchase is faulty and the seller goes bust, disappears or is just
plain awkward. Card issuers hate this provision and try to keep it
secret and to deny it, but don't allow yourself to be fogged
It applies even for a
part-purchase (eg paying a deposit) and for items bought from a UK supplier over the
Internet. The Office
of Fair Trading says it also covers transactions abroad.
for the sake of the free extra protection, always use your credit
card for purchases over £100, and |
keep copies of your credit card statements in case you need
proof of purchase. |
However, debit and charge cards don't count - only credit
to Index
Quote of the Week
"If they fly they die. They know that"
US Brigadier-General Vincent Brooks
at a TV news conference in Doha
on 31st March
answering a question as to
whether the Iraqi airforce will take to
the air
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“” |
Neda Agha Soltan;
shot dead in Teheran
by Basij militia |
Good to report that as at
14th September 2009
he is at least
ON 18th OCTOBER 2011,
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Blog Directory
Discover the
My Columns in the
What I've recently
been reading
“The Lemon Tree”, by Sandy
Tol (2006),
is a delightful novel-style history of modern Israel and Palestine told
through the eyes of a thoughtful protagonist from either side, with a
household lemon tree as their unifying theme.
But it's not
entirely honest in its subtle pro-Palestinian bias, and therefore needs
to be read in conjunction with an antidote, such as
detailed review
This examines events which led to BP's 2010 Macondo blowout in
the Gulf of Mexico.
BP's ambitious CEO John Browne expanded it through adventurous
acquisitions, aggressive offshore exploration, and relentless
cost-reduction that trumped everything else, even safety and long-term
technical sustainability.
Thus mistakes accumulated, leading to terrifying and deadly accidents in
refineries, pipelines and offshore operations, and business disaster in
The Macondo blowout was but an inevitable outcome of a BP culture that
had become poisonous and incompetent.
However the book is gravely compromised by a
litany of over 40 technical and stupid
errors that display the author's ignorance and
It would be better
to wait for the second (properly edited) edition before buying.
As for BP, only a
wholesale rebuilding of a new, professional, ethical culture will
prevent further such tragedies and the eventual destruction of a once
mighty corporation with a long and generally honourable history.
Note: I wrote
my own reports on Macondo
June, and
July 2010
A horrific account
how the death
penalty is administered and, er, executed in Singapore,
the corruption of
Singapore's legal system, and |
enthusiastic embrace of Burma's drug-fuelled military dictatorship |
More details on my
This is
nonagenarian Alistair Urquhart’s
incredible story of survival in the Far
East during World War II.
After recounting a
childhood of convention and simple pleasures in working-class Aberdeen,
Mr Urquhart is conscripted within days of Chamberlain declaring war on
Germany in 1939.
From then until the
Japanese are deservedly nuked into surrendering six years later, Mr
Urquhart’s tale is one of first discomfort but then following the fall
of Singapore of ever-increasing, unmitigated horror.
After a wretched
journey Eastward, he finds himself part of Singapore’s big but useless
Taken prisoner when Singapore falls in
1941, he is, successively,
part of a death march to Thailand,
a slave labourer on the Siam/Burma
railway (one man died for every sleeper laid), |
regularly beaten and tortured,
racked by starvation, gaping ulcers
and disease including cholera, |
a slave labourer stevedoring at
Singapore’s docks, |
shipped to Japan in a stinking,
closed, airless hold with 900 other sick and dying men,
torpedoed by the Americans and left
drifting alone for five days before being picked up, |
a slave-labourer in Nagasaki until
blessed liberation thanks to the Americans’ “Fat Boy” atomic
bomb. |
Chronically ill,
distraught and traumatised on return to Aberdeen yet disdained by the
British Army, he slowly reconstructs a life. Only in his late 80s
is he able finally to recount his dreadful experiences in this
unputdownable book.
There are very few
first-person eye-witness accounts of the the horrors of Japanese
brutality during WW2. As such this book is an invaluable historical
“Culture of Corruption:
Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies”
This is a rattling good tale of the web
of corruption within which the American president and his cronies
operate. It's written by blogger Michele Malkin who, because she's both
a woman and half-Asian, is curiously immune to the charges of racism and
sexism this book would provoke if written by a typical Republican WASP.
With 75 page of notes to back up - in
best blogger tradition - every shocking and in most cases money-grubbing
allegation, she excoriates one Obama crony after another, starting with
the incumbent himself and his equally tricky wife.
Joe Biden, Rahm Emmanuel, Valerie Jarett,
Tim Geithner, Lawrence Summers, Steven Rattner, both Clintons, Chris
Dodd: they all star as crooks in this venomous but credible book.
ACORN, Mr Obama's favourite community
organising outfit, is also exposed for the crooked vote-rigging machine
it is.
This much trumpeted sequel to
Freakonomics is a bit of disappointment.
It is really just
a collation of amusing
little tales about surprising human (and occasionally animal) behaviour
and situations. For example:
Drunk walking kills more people per
kilometer than drunk driving. |
People aren't really altruistic -
they always expect a return of some sort for good deeds. |
Child seats are a waste of money as
they are no safer for children than adult seatbelts. |
Though doctors have known for
centuries they must wash their hands to avoid spreading infection,
they still often fail to do so. |
Monkeys can be taught to use washers
as cash to buy tit-bits - and even sex. |
The book has no real
message other than don't be surprised how humans sometimes behave and
try to look for simple rather than complex solutions.
And with a final
anecdote (monkeys, cash and sex), the book suddenly just stops dead in
its tracks. Weird.
A remarkable, coherent attempt by Financial Times economist Alan Beattie
to understand and explain world history through the prism of economics.
It's chapters are
organised around provocative questions such as
Why does asparagus come from Peru? |
Why are pandas so useless? |
Why are oil and diamonds more trouble
than they are worth? |
Why doesn't Africa grow cocaine? |
It's central thesis
is that economic development continues to be impeded in different
countries for different historical reasons, even when the original
rationale for those impediments no longer obtains. For instance:
Argentina protects its now largely
foreign landowners (eg George Soros) |
Russia its military-owned
businesses, such as counterfeit DVDs |
The US its cotton industry
comprising only 1% of GDP and 2% of its workforce |
The author writes
in a very chatty, light-hearted matter which makes the book easy to
However it would
benefit from a few charts to illustrate some of the many quantitative
points put forward, as well as sub-chaptering every few pages to provide
natural break-points for the reader.
This is a thrilling book of derring-do behind enemy lines in the jungles
of north-east Burma in 1942-44 during the Japanese occupation.
The author was
a member of Britain's V Force, a forerunner of the SAS. Its remit was to
harass Japanese lines of
command, patrol their occupied territory, carryout sabotage and provide
intelligence, with the overall objective of keeping the enemy out of
is admirably yet brutally frank, in his
descriptions of deathly battles with the Japs, his execution of a
prisoner, dodging falling bags of rice dropped by the RAF, or collapsing
in floods of tears through accumulated stress, fear and loneliness.
He also provides some fascinating insights into the mentality of
Japanese soldiery and why it failed against the flexibility and devolved
authority of the British.
The book amounts to
a very human and exhilarating tale.
Oh, and Irwin
describes the death in 1943 of his colleague my uncle, Major PF
Other books
here |
Click for an account of this momentous,
high-speed event
of March 2009 |
Click on the logo
to get a table with
the Rugby World Cup
scores, points and rankings.
crackling, compelling, captivating games, the new World Champions are,
England get the Silver,
Argentina the Bronze. Fourth is host nation France.
No-one can argue with
the justice of the outcomes
Over the competition,
the average
points per game = 52,
tries per game = 6.2,
minutes per try =
13 |
Click on the logo
to get a table with
the final World Cup
scores, points, rankings and goal-statistics |