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2006 |
* * *
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World Cup 2006 in Germany; Time in Ireland
ISSUE #130 - 23rd
July 2006
Hamas/Hizobllah/Syria/Iran: an Evil Continuum
It is hard to see, and frightening to imagine, where the
current conflict in Gaza, and especially Lebanon, might be leading.
Hamas, the government that the
extraordinarily self-destructive Palestinian people elected last
January, are sworn to the obliteration of Israel. These people
have no interest in creating or running a Palestinian state; and any
advance such as the gaining of Gaza is merely a stepping stone to the
ultimate goal. Hence their 24th June
attack on an Israeli military post out of Gaza, preceded as it was
by months of desultory and ineffective (largely home-made) rockets,
was no real surprise. Nor was Israel's ferocious reaction.
Meanwhile, Hezbollah, in full military and civic
control of southern Lebanon since Israel retreated six years ago,
have made no secret of their support for Hamas, with whom they share the
same obliterate-Israel goal. Indeed, one reason they gave for their
initial raid into Israel was solidarity with the similar Hamas
operation a couple of weeks earlier that had sparked the Gaza hostilities.
The fingerprints of Syria on the activities of
Hezbollah are undeniable. There seems to be a mound of evidentiary
material; moreover, rockets arriving in Haifa were irrefutably
identifiable as Syrian from the shrapnel. And of course, Syria is
still smarting at its humiliating ejection from Lebanon and is looking for
ways to reassert its malign influence. Syria also provides refuge to
Khaled Mashel, the leader of Hamas. |
Then there is Shi'ite Iran, the regional superpower,
solidly supporting Syria, surprising though this is, since it is a Sunni
Ba'athist regime, as was Saddam's against whom Iran fought a bitter,
million-man-casualty war for eight years in the 1980s. Nevertheless,
Assad junior, the weakling optician president-for-life, is a useful person
for the mullahs to mould, and through him to gradually transform Syria
into a proto Iranian colony (to be joined by - it hopes - another one
comprising the majority Shi'ite south of Iraq). |
This is the continuum that Israel has currently to
contend with, with approval, advice, arms and perhaps even active servicemen
flowing up the chain from Iran to Syria to the two terrorist organizations.
There has also been some evidence that Iran is actively participating in the
fighting in Lebanon, with suggestions that it was Iranian soldiers who
launched two advanced Iranian C-807
missiles that damaged an Israeli naval ship and sank a Cambodian one
several kilometres away.
Indeed as Daniel Ayalon, Israel's ambassador to the US
points out,
Hamas and Hezbollah have access to an array of
“radar-guided missiles, long-range missiles, and all kinds of
sophistication that gives them really strategic capabilities. So for the
first time in history, we see a terror organization with state-like
capabilities, with strategic capabilities, and they, for all practical
purposes, are the proxies of both Syria and Iran”
All this helps both to explain the frenzy of Israel's
fighting and to suggest the direction in which it might well lead.
Israel's main objective is to neutralise the military
capabilities of Hezbollah, and by extension Hamas. This means not only
trying to kill its members and destroy its weapons, buildings and other
support infrastructure - which because this is all hidden deliberately among
civilians leads to dreadful civilian casualties - but also preventing their
resupply. This is the reason for disabling Beirut's airport, ports,
international roads and mounting a naval blockade.
If Israel is successful, the war will come to a close in
(hopefully) a matter of only days or weeks.
But if Syria and Iran succeed in resupplying their
terrorist clients, Israel will be faced with a terrible choice.
Whether to maintain a prolonged low-level and
ultimately self-defeating campaign against the two Hs, or
whether to seek to neutralise the source, being Syria
and Iran. |
Enfeebled Syria is not the issue here, Iran is. For
it raises the whole nuclear issue.
None but the most blind by now doubt that Iran is
hell-bent on developing nuclear weaponry. This is a hugely energy-rich
country with
136 years worth of oil and gas reserves, which has
absolutely no need for the hugely costly nuclear energy that it claims is
the sole purpose of its nuclear activities.
Rather, the theocratic leadership want to remain in unassailed charge of
Iran, Iran to be the big, Shi'ite power in the region, and Israel to be
off the map”.
The mullahs are convinced that the only way to achieve all this is through
the acquisition and use (on Israel) of nuclear bombs and missiles. And
they are of course right: that is the only way.
Thus the years of
with the EU, the UN Atomic Energy Agency, the Security Council or anyone
else over the curtailment of their nuclear programme have been no more than
posturing, designed - most successfully - to buy time while the work
This awful realisation leads to only
one pair of alternatives for the world to consider.
Let Iran get away with it
and keep fingers crossed as to
the consequences |
or else attack its nuclear
and keep fingers crossed as to
the consequences. |
In May 1940, Winston Churchill made his famously defiant
speech that the British people
“will fight on the beaches ... in the fields ... in the streets ... in
the hills ... we shall never surrender”. The alternative that
Britain faced was the
horror of Nazi subjugation, which was thus to be resisted “whatever the cost”.
But he was not talking about the systematic killing of every Englishman in
the land once Hitler arrived (a fate reserved only for the Jews, gays,
gypsies and disabled).
Israel today should be so lucky. Because defeat would not lead to
subjugation but to Holocaust II - the inevitable, pre-decided death of every
Israeli. So Israel's is a truly existential battle, one which no other
nation on earth faces - or has faced for centuries.
if the day ever comes when it is necessary to choose between the
destruction of Iran's nuclear facilities or the defeat of Israel, we all
know what Israel will decide. It is no coincidence that it
seems for some time to have been building up a forward base in the
relatively peaceful Kurdish region of northern Iraq which abuts Iran.
That is why we must hope that Israel
will be successful in crushing Hezbollah and Hamas and keeping Syria and
Iran at bay. The need for crushing such an adversary and not merely
reaching a cease-fire is eloquently illustrated in an allegorical little
difficult lesson”,
about a bar-room brawl in Manila that I recommend you read.
If Syria and Iran are not kept at
bay, that epitome of evil that is the Hamas/Hezbollah/Syria/Iran
continuum will inevitably lead to an Israeli bombing raid on Iran's nuclear
installations, with untold results for the Middle East and the world.
There are some, though, who would
argue that this is would however be the lesser of two very bad outcomes.
I'm not sure where I stand.
to List of Contents
Arabia's Fading Oil Reserves
Listing in the right-hand border of this page the books that I am reading reveals how
slowly I read them. Trying to summarise them before I have finished
them also shows how I can get the wrong end of the stick. So in
future, no substantive comment until I've finished the book.
I've just finished Matt Simmons'
“Twilight in the Desert”.
It's somewhat scary thesis is
that Saudi Arabia has oil reserves that are much lower
than the Saudis have habitually let on, |
that the handful of super-giant fields on which they
depend are about to decline precipitously and |
that they're not finding major new oilfields.
Since Saudi Arabia is the world's biggest producer, and also
its so-called swing producer, the collapse of its oilfields would have
enormous repercussions for the world's economy.
The Saudis have always been notoriously secretive about
their oil producing industry, a trait they inherited from Aramco. This
company was the consortium of Exxon, Mobil, Chevron and Texaco which ran the
oil business until it was fully nationalised in 1980, when the name was changed
to Saudi Aramco, the original partners remaining as technical advisers.
Aramco had an incentive to hide reservoir data so that they could produce as
much oil as possible, without regard to good reservoir management, prior to
getting nationalised. Since then, Saudi Aramco and the Saudi government have
had no
wish for outsiders to learn that perhaps the health of their industry is by
no means as robust as they have been telling everybody for decades.
Thus, only the most bland, reassuring, unverified data is
conveyed to the outside world, via occasional glossy brochures or
stage-managed press conferences.
Reserves are increased with no
explanation. |
Problems with declining reservoir pressures, and
increasing amounts of water being produced alongside the oil are denied.
discoveries are talked about but without checkable specifics.
However, Saudi Aramco engineers and scientists
have long published information about solely technical matters, once all the identifying data
has been removed, and many of these papers are permanently available via the
Society of Petroleum Engineers.
The author's clever trick has been to analyse over 200
purely technical papers over the past 40 years, and from these to
“join the dots”
between diverse field data, production information and challenges encountered, in a
manner that was never intended when the papers were approved for publication
by Saudi Aramco management. For example,
one such 2004 paper boasts about Saudi Aramco's new
digitalised archive which stores detailed data on all 8,700 wells ever
drilled in the country. Bingo! Number of wells drilled =
8,700, something that had never before been made known.
Papers written to explain how technical problems have been
overcome, also describe those technical problems - such as loss of oil
reservoir pressure - that the Saudis will not admit to exist lest they
imply frailty (which they do). |
The author learns that 84% of Saudi's oil comes from just
three so-called
fields, Ghawar, Safaniya and Abqaiq, that no other super-giants have been
discovered since the 1960s, and that their performance is measurably
deteriorating in exactly the same manner that all ageing fields degrade.
He claims the effect of this will be a sudden, precipitous - and imminent -
drop in production rather than a steady, manageable decline. Moreover,
the hundred or so other oilfields discovered since the 1940s can by no means
fill the shoes of the three super-giants.
He points out that as an oil producing province, the USA was
on a par with Saudi Arabia, in that at its peak it produced around nine
million barrels a day in 1970-85 (since declined to six million).
Saudi Arabia reached nine million just as the US began to decline, and various
estimate it remained at this level until recently when it exceeded ten
million barrels a day.
(Because you cannot believe production figures provided by the Saudi
government, a bizarre method of estimating them is to secretly count the
tankers that leave Ras Tanura, its main export terminal).
Meanwhile, claims that reserves have kept up with production are
preposterous in light of the many technical problems being consistently
reported in those engineering and scientific papers, coupled with the lack
of big new discoveries (that the Saudis would surely brag about).
He believes - and I would agree - that
the Saudis are seriously remiss in keeping secret such information about a
resource that is so vital to the welfare of the world.
A pessimist, he also believes that no amount of today's enhanced
technologies and efficiencies, from seismic to drilling to production to
computer modelling, will ever be able to compensate for the production crash
that is coming, spearheaded by the three super-giants.
He is right to a degree, but misses two
important points.
Firstly, for all its talk and technical
papers about embracing - if not leading - new oilfield technology, Saudi
Aramco is still addicted to easy oil. It has simply not yet had to
apply the latest advanced seismic, precision drilling and sophisticated
production techniques to seek out and produce tiny pockets of hidden oil,
one by one by one, barrel by barrel, at an economic cost. This is a
whole new world of which it is largely ignorant. Matt Simmons has
greatly overestimated Saudi Aramco's embrace of new technology.
I know this because I recently worked
for several years in next-door Oman, whose oil production is perhaps
6% of Saudi Arabia's, yet from a greater number (120) of oilfields.
Its relatively meagre production is desperately dependent on just such
technologies, and it was apparent from brotherly visits to and from the
Saudis that this is an area far removed from their own necessities and
Secondly, and related to Saudi's
history of easy oil, is the issue of number of wells.
The Saudis have drilled just
8,700 wells, as we have seen.
For comparable oil quantities, America had no fewer than
600,000 oil wells producing in 1996, which if you include abandoned
wells implies that a considerably higher total number had been drilled over
the hundred preceding years. This means that with perhaps 1% of the
well count, Saudi Arabia has roughly matched, if not exceeded, America's oil
production. Each Saudi well is averaging 1,149 bbl/day, compared with
barely 10 bbl/day in the US.
Turn that round the other way: Saudi Arabia should be
planning on increasing its well count by a factor of a hundred, in order to
find and squeeze out every last drop of oil under the sand. It can be
done; the technology is there. But it will represent a massive
investment, which however will yield a massively miserable return, by the
crazy standards the Saudis have become accustomed to.
Will the spoiled princes bring themselves to spend
money on anything like the scale required? I very much doubt it.
But if and when they
choose to
open up their fields to the international private sector on sensible terms,
there will be hundreds of willing and canny investors out there only too
happy to work for a return that is only 1% of what a Saudi oil well yields
today. The more so at $70+ a barrel. And it will happen.
Just as soon as the super-giant production levels start dropping off the
edge of that precipice just ahead, and the princes start to panic.
Matt Simmons is too gloomy. He fails to take
account of human ingenuity coupled with human greed. At the end of the
day, oil is found not in the ground but in that unfathomable, inexhaustible
reserve, the human mind.
The book itself is over 400 pages long, poorly structured,
riddled with repetition and has too sketchy an index. Had it been
edited properly, it could have been a hundred pages shorter and with a much
easier-to-follow, more punchy narrative.
These complaints notwithstanding, it undoubtedly breaks new
and valuable ground. It has apparently already upset the Saudis a lot,
which is a good sign.
You might also like to have a look at an
earlier post,
When Will the
Oil Run Out?
to List of Contents
Duels with Dual
I've had duels this past week with a couple of Ireland's
revered, Left-leaning Senators, Brendan Ryan and David Norris, whose
writings I objected to (as they, no doubt, to mine!).
Ryan, a big friend of Fidel Castro, had a letter published in which he
condemned Israel's
“murder” of Lebanese
civilians, so I challenged his use of this word. I have to say his
defense of it, when civilians are killed as “collateral” to an attack
that targets others, quoting both British and Irish legal precedent from IRA
days, was quite convincing.
However he then wandered on to the legality of Hamas's and Hezbollah's
activities, Israel's “occupation” and settlements, Palestinian
prisoners and - bizarrely - Rachel Corrie.
My letter disabusing him of this rubbish went unpublished,
so I sent it directly to him. No reply yet.
Then it was the turn of the revered Senator Norris, who is
openly gay and a wonderfully articulate Joycean scholar. He
wrote, sarcastically,
“So the prevailing moral imperative in the Middle East is
‘right to defend herself’,
according to bully boys Blair and Bush. What, one may ask, is then left to
the Lebanese and Palestinian civilians men, women and children?
Merely the
to be incinerated in the Israeli Blitzkrieg? How reassuring, how
moral, how Christian”.
I pointed out his incoherence in apparently absolving of
responsibility the governments of Palestine and Lebanon who openly allowed
the militants of Hezbollah and Hamas to train, get armed and attack Israel's
sovereign territory.
With Islamism unresisted, as he would advocate, what, I
asked him, does he think will happen to gays, for example, when
the Caliphate eventually stretches to Dublin?
Again, this normally voluble senator remains silent.
Details in Week 130's Letters to the Press
to List of Contents
Woman Fined for Being Raped!
couple of week back, a young
Italian woman in her early 30s was raped in a Berlin field by a 1.85m (6ft
1in) grim-looking older Frenchman, in front of countless witnesses.
Everyone saw what happened, and it wasn't a pretty sight seeing the poor
girl lying there helpless, writhing in pain as her assailant, his malign
deed done, walked smugly away.
In due course the
Frenchman received his punishment which included a fine of 7,500 Swiss
francs. And I am glad to note that the Italian girl was also fined,
albeit a lesser amount of 5,000 Swiss francs. Serves her right.
You see she was wearing a pair of cute blue hot-pants with matching
skin-tight T-shirt and, as we all know, men become seized by uncontrollable
lust when they see this kind of wanton provocation. So such women must
at least share the blame for getting themselves raped in such a cavalier
Provocation deserves
Oh, oh, I'm getting
mixed up.
It appears the
Italian woman was in fact an Italian man, the provocation was some insulting
words, and the assault wasn't a rape, it
was a head-butt.
Still, same
As seen by the Germans |
As seen by the French |
As seen by the Italians |
As seen by the Americans |
As seen by the Press |
to List of Contents
Week 130's Letters to the Press
Two unpublished letters this week, which I talked about in
my above post, the one with the dreadful pun,
Duels with Dual Senators. I
hope - but doubt - they will lead to further dialogue with the senators
Self-Defence by Israel
In his incoherent letter published in both the Irish Times and Irish
Independent on July 18th, Senator David Norris seems to be of the
opinion that Israel should, lest civilians be killed in the process,
abnegate its right of self-defence against enemies sworn to its
annihilation ... |
Civilian Deaths in Israel/Gaza/Lebanon Conflict
As Senator Brendan Ryan well knows when he refers to
“the murder of innocent
civilians, many of them children”,
murder is the deliberate, premeditated unlawful killing
of another human being. Israel has not
any civilians ... |
to List of Contents
Quotes of Week 130
- - - - - - - - - -
I S R A E L I N L E B A N O N ----------
irony is, what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing
this shit, and it's over ... I felt like telling Kofi to get on the phone
with Assad (Syria's President-for-life), make something happen.”
President Bush,
caught by an open microphone chatting to Tony Blair
over a G8 lunch at St Petersburg hosted by President Putin
Mr Putin was filmed
Ex-KGB, covert microphone, any connection?
first thing that must be addressed is cessation of terror before we even
talk about cessation of hostilities. When you operate on a
cancerous growth, you do not stop in the middle, sew the patient up and tell
‘keep living with that growth until it kills you’.
You make sure it is totally removed.”
Dan Gillerman,
Israel's ambassador to the UN,
rebuts Kofi Annan's call for an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon and Gaza
Quote: “These have not been surgical strikes. It's very, very
difficult to understand the kind of military tactics that have been used ...
You know, if they're chasing Hezbollah, then go for Hezbollah. You don't go
for the entire Lebanese nation.”
Suddenly Britain's
Foreign Office Minister Kim Howells,
on a flying visit to Beirut, is an expert on
what is and what is not a legitimate Hezbollah target,
Hezbollah who are notorious for hiding among civilians
and placing weaponry in heavily populated areas.
He later sought
discussions with Israel aimed at finding a diplomatic solution.
Why on earth Israel?
Shouldn't he first have been seeking out Hezbollah, Syria and Iran,
demanding that the militants cease their aggression, protect civilians
and wear uniforms in accordance with the Geneva convention?
- - - - - - - - - -
N O R T H K O R E A - - - - - - - - - -
firing of the Taepodong-2 constituted no crisis, because it was not aimed at
any particular party ... There is no reason to fuss over this from the break
of dawn like Japan, but every reason to do the opposite.”
The official
website of
Roh Moo-hyun, the president of South Korea,
tries to ignore the firing of seven rockets by neighbour North Korea,
with whom it is still technically at war (since 1953)
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ISSUE #129 - 16th
July 2006 [233]
Ireland's About-to-Crash
Housing Boom
Property prices are mad in Ireland
and Dublin.
What is being demanded bears little or no relation to the intrinsic value of
what is being offered. A tiny two-bedroom flat? €600,000.
A larger two-bedroom apartment which doesn't
get the sun? €2 million. A modest four bedroom house? €3½
Until a decade or so ago, a family's
home could be bought and the mortgage paid out of one salary, typically the
father's, and this more or less set a yardstick for house prices.
But many things have changed in
Ireland's boom years, which have combined to increase almost exponentially
the amount of capital that a family can now raise to buy its home. And
the amount of capital needed to buy a home has risen in
concert, by almost 250% according to this chart from
The Economist.
Firstly, average incomes have raced
ahead as Ireland's economy has blossomed. Using real GDP per head as
an indicator, they have nearly doubled in real terms from
$18,500 in 1996 to $27,200 in 2000 to
$34,300 in 2004.
Secondly, it is increasingly common
that both partners work, which means there are now two salaries to meet the
monthly payments.
Thirdly, parents, sitting smugly in
houses that have soared in value, are releasing some of this new found
wealth to help their children buy homes,
Fourthly, people have had to shrink
their aspirations - they are now prepared to live in pokey flats rather than
comfortably sized semi-detached houses with gardens,
Fifthly, in search of affordable
housing, they are moving out further and further from the cities where they
work, accepting commutes of up to three hours in some cases.
sixthly, there is financing. A large deposit, a 20-year mortgage and a
bad-tempered bank manager are now a thing of the past. To encourage
buyers, the newly friendly banks will now provide mortgages that feature
100% financing, ie no deposit
needed, |
interest-only repayments (much
lower) |
longer terms, up to 40 years in
some cases (repayments lower still) |
On top of all that, interest
rates have been at historic lows for the past decade, ranging
2 and 4%, which in real terms is barely above zero.
But this cannot continue.
All homes are ultimately bought out of people's incomes. Squeezing out ever more
cash at a rate faster than your salary increases cannot go on forever.
We're reaching the end of the road.
You have only one spouse, your parents have only one
house, you can't shrink your living space to nil, you cannot commute for ten
hours a day. Interest rates cannot sink below zero, and a 100-year
mortgage, that you bequeath to your children, is not something many banks
are going to offer you.
About the only step-change left is to reduce the
per-unit price by building skyscraper apartment blocks like you see in Hong
Kong or New York. But the city-planning bureaucrats in Ireland are so
ultra-conservative, that hell will freeze over before they permit that.
So an Irish housing crash is undoubtedly just round the
corner. I would estimate by the end of this year. It may or may
not be part of a global crash, because prices in the US, Australia, Britain
and parts of Europe are likewise overpriced, though perhaps not to the same
Of course, everything here still looks rosy on the
housing market - but that is the distinguishing feature of every boom.
A boom always looks like it will never end, so people
keep on investing heavily, whether in Wall Street in 1928 or in oil in 1984
or in dot-coms in 1999. Because the moment that a few people begin to
feel that there might just be a little bit of a wobble, everyone suddenly
wants to get out while the going is good, and the boom turns abruptly into a
crash. (Similarly, a depression always looks never-ending when you're
in one. You can never see the recovery coming, which is always
gradual, with no upward crash. Hence those bumper stickers,
“Oh Lord, give me just one more boom, and I promise not to piss it all
away this time”.)
So if you're reading this and need a house -
Wait a few months for the market to collapse and meantime rent a place
instead (rents are cheap) - you won't need to sign up for more than a year.
And if you're thinking of selling? Do it
NOW. You won't regret it.
Late Note
(November 2009)
I have just
stumbled upon this fantastic Irish house-price chart,
created by
“Status Ireland”.
Run your mouse over the curve. It shows that the Irish housing
market in fact began to collapse in March 2007, compared to my forecast
of the end of 2006. Not bad, eh? Pity nobody paid me for such
to List of Contents
Why Won't
Feminists Fight Islam?
Sex-obsessed Islamism encourages a lot of unpleasant
behaviour against women, largely underwritten by the Koran's stricture that
they're worth only half a man (2:282).
In strongly Islamic regimes, women have to go around in
a shroud from head to toe, chaperoned by a male relative, unable to look at
- much less shake the hand of - a male, not allowed to drive. As young
girls, they undergo the torture of female genital mutilation solely to
prevent them enjoying sex in later life and thus wandering off to find some.
Most marriages are arranged and woe betide the girl who objects. In
Iran little girls can be wedded and bedded at just thirteen; and polygamy is
fine too (4:3) - for men only of course. Husbands are allowed under
the Koran to beat their wives at will (4:38) and to divorce them
unilaterally (2:230).
All these rules boil down to one thing: Sex.
Males can have it as much as they want; females only to the extent their
menfolk choose.
Men seem to be so utterly insecure and overridingly
preoccupied with sex, that they are convinced that without stern oversight
their women will stray at the slightest opportunity - a coup d'oeil towards
or from a boy is enough. So everything is geared to prevent this.
There is just one punishment for a woman's sex offence, whether it be a
glance, a kiss, a refusal to marry, an elopement, a willing fornication, or
indeed being raped, or indeed being merely suspected of any of these things.
That punishment is death, a so-called honour killing, usually administered
proudly by a close male relative such as her father or brother; or
occasionally the woman is persuaded to purge herself by becoming a
suicide bomberess instead. If the state itself is
involved, public stoning or beheading are the norm, or flogging if the
Sharia judge is feeling merciful.
Oh, and of course there is no question of abortion,
that icon of Western feminism. Islam abhors abortion, and will thus impose
the usual sanction on a woman who so indulges.
In strong contrast, Feminists in the West have made
fantastic advances for the lot of women in the past forty years or so.
Freed by the pill and abortion from obligatory multiple child-rearing, women
have been able to secure education, personal development and all the
material benefits, such as work advancement, that follow from it, along with
sexual freedom to match men's. They are no longer second-class
citizens; they have equal rights that they could not have dreamed of in
earlier times. The Feminists' victory on behalf of all women has been
so complete that most men utterly concur that they deserve those equal
rights and it is inconceivable that the gains could be reversed.
But it has created a dilemma. Having won total
victory, what are Feminists for any more? They no longer have a real
cause, so they tend to waste their time on all kinds of trivial and
politically correct pursuits and trouble-making. After victory in
conventional war, both sides generally demobilise their armies - but not it
seems the Feminists.
Yet they won't touch Islamism. They won't
that Islamism represents by far the biggest threat and
injustice that women face today, and we are talking about no fewer than
500 million Muslim females; |
that everything the Feminists have gained in the West
is utterly repudiated in the Muslim world. |
If you want a flagrant example of their disdain for the
fight against Islamism, look how the Dutch establishment has hounded out of
the country the Somali-born, Dutch-naturalised member of the Netherlands
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, with nary a whimper from the Netherlands' strong
feminist movement. Her crime? Exposing Islamism as a
woman-oppressing ideology and campaigning to defeat it. She was the
lady who wrote the script for
the movie that resulted in the brutal assassination of its director Theo van Gogh.
Instead, under the rubric of relativism, Feminists in
the West think that Islam is merely part of a different culture worthy of
the same respect as any other culture, and certainly no worse than the
Western culture they despise. As a result, they tend to align
themselves with Muslims, as if Muslims and women are all part of one community
singularly victimised by the white Judeo-Christian male establishment.
Instead, Feminists should be in the vanguard of the war
on terror, which is in practice a war against Islamic fundamentalism.
There is no activity on earth that is likely to improve the lot of women
more than the defeat of Islamism and its replacement by a more enlightened,
interpretative, tolerant Islam operating freely, like Christianity, within
secular states.
Earlier in the year, I wrote about the Islamicist
in the Feminists' Room”,
and I intended this to be a follow-up post. But in researching it, I
came across a magnificent piece by Kay S. Hymowitz
is AWOL on Islam”,
which expresses everything I wanted to say but so much better.
So if this subject has caught your imagination, I
strongly recommend you read Ms Hymowitz's article in full.
So why won't feminists fight Islamism, even just with
words? I truly cannot understand.
to List of Contents
The Redoubtable Madame Tussaud
Hardly anyone has not
been to Madame
Tussaud's waxworks in London, and the few who haven't have nearly all
been to waxworks elsewhere that seek to emulate the illustrious lady.
But who was Mme Tussaud?
Born Marie Gosoltz in
Strasbourg in 1761 into straitened circumstances, the Madame was a very
flinty, hard nosed woman who really deserves our admiration because, against
many personal, commercial and cultural setbacks, she arguably established
one of the biggest brands in the world, if not the first brand. Her life is
the ultimate grand scale success story.
She did not invent the idea of
a waxworks exhibition; she got this from a very charismatic showman,
Philippe Curtius, for whom her mother worked as a cook in Paris. Her
soldier-father had been killed two months before her birth, in the
disastrous (for France)
Seven Years War.
Curtius was first a doctor and
then later became a highly skilled wax-modeller. He acquired this
craftsmanship because at that time, anatomical wax models were very much in
demand at medical schools for research and to explain the intricacies of the
human body to medical students.
There were
also other markets for
wax models.
The Roman Catholic church
was very keen on them for religious pieces, relics, tributes, votive
pieces and so forth. |
And when someone was ill, it
was common in France to suspend a wax effigy of the offending body part,
say a bad leg, in an effort to speed the cure (a little bit of African
voodoo perhaps). |
However, at the urging of a
wealthy patron who said the doctor could make a fortune applying his wax
modelling skills in a more worldly direction, Curtius began to look for a
more lucrative outlet and hit upon the idea of a waxworks exhibition.
“Salon de Cire”
at the Palais Royale in Paris turned out to be a roaring success.
The 1870s and 80s were an
extraordinary time in France's capital: a vibrant, colourful, exciting
world. There was a real buzz about the place, a passion for fashion
and a fascination with the famous and infamous, full of advertising and
shopping and designers and lionised hairdressers.
Wonderful shows and weird
entertainments were all the rage, replete with marionettes, strange animals,
freaks, frauds, fakes and frog-eaters. And there was nothing the punters
liked more than a good model of a well-known bloodthirsty murder or
execution, at which Curtius excelled. People were entranced by the duality
of glamour and gore in a kind of proto-tabloid frenzy. In its own way,
Paris in the
70s and 80s was not unlike swinging London in the 1960s.
Moreover, wax effigies in 18th
century Paris were the first opportunity for many members of the public to
study likenesses of the monarchy and other powerful figures in detail. This
set in motion the process by which royalty became regarded increasingly as
‘normal’ people and celebrities became the new objects of admiration.
For their part, the
celebrities themselves – and others – began to see wax modelling as a way of
preserving their own mortality, an alternative or complement to portraiture, which only added to the popularity of
Young Marie grew up in the
middle of this environment, soaking it all up, for Curtius took her under
his wing, teaching her everything he knew about wax-modelling and running a
successful exhibition. A speciality was
models of
bloodied heads fresh from the guillotine during the French Revolution.
Once she grew up, Marie
continued to work closely with him. When the doctor died in 1795, he
generously left Marie his entire “Salon de Cire”, which by then had
become quite famous in France. Not long after, she married an engineer,
François Tussaud, who however remains something of a mystery.
She continued to run the Salon
in Paris for the next few years, but in 1802 decided leave France - and her
hapless husband - behind. She brought the exhibition to England where
she quickly began to replicate its French success. People’s fascination for
glamour and gore was, it seemed (and seems), universal.
She had by then developed a
most extraordinary gift for public relations and advertising, and one of the
first self-publicity things she did in England was to reinvent and upgrade
her background and status. She let it be known that she was of aristocratic
stock, had lived at Versailles and was once private art tutor to the sister
of Louis XVI. As well as relentless name-dropping, she also cleverly let
drop that she was personally present at the guillotining of fellow
aristocrats during the French revolution, which added authenticity and spice
to her wax models of the unfortunate victims and their severed heads.
She was brilliant at
understanding what people were willing to pay to see and a tough manager
when it came to parting them from their money.
But for 33 years, she lived an exhausting and precarious life
as a
travelling showman, moving from town to town with her caravans, organising,
advertising, and encouraging newspaper anecdotes, or setting up charity
benefits to bring in useful patrons. She suffered shipwreck in the
Irish Sea, and fire during riots in Bristol. Yet, throughout the travelling
years, she constantly introduced new figures and scenes.
A big hit was her travelling
tableaux, in which she recorded newsworthy events, at a time when few people
had access to newspapers and newspapers anyway were virtually without
illustration. These included an especially popular array of criminals,
murder victims and tortured wretches in the exhibit hall that Punch dubbed
“Chamber of Horrors”
(a powerful magnet - especially for small boys).
Most people in the early
nineteenth century were habitually deprived of visual information and had no
chance of proximity to famous people and events. For them, therefore,
Madame Tussaud’s three-dimensional full-colour lifelike lifesize models
represented an absolutely stunning innovation for the senses. Tableau
journalism indeed. It was very compelling to be able to see what people
actually looked like, warts and all, both past and present.
She did however acquire
something of a reputation – to this day – for liking blood and guts, and
many people still form a mental image of her sitting primly with a bloody
head on her lap.
In 1835, she finally stopped
travelling and acquired permanent premises in Baker Street, London. (Fifty
years later her grandson moved the exhibition to its current address in
Marylebone Road).
Her enduring exhibition in
England, and its imitators, helped to spawn the concept of the household
name and the adoring fan. The renown of Madame Tussaud's Waxworks spread,
and the masses began to demand more and more information about public
figures, gradually changing from a posture of deference to one of
entitlement. As they
got physically closer to the famous, so pedestals got shorter and shorter
until eventually disappearing. By making their images realistic and
accessible, she also did much to bring royalty – French and British – down
to earth. The very last tableau of her life was of Victoria and Albert at
home on the sofa - a typical cover for the Hello! Magazine of today, and it
attracted a million visitors a year.
Her exhibition went on and on;
nobody tired of it; and it still endures more than a century and a half
beyond the redoubtable lady's death in 1850, in her ninetieth year.
Today, of course,
Madame Tussaud's
is a worldwide brand, with five different exhibitions on
three continents, including North America. And its Chamber of Horrors
is still a star attraction - and not just for small boys.
I was inspired to research
and write this post after hearing a
radio interview of Kate Berridge, the author of a new book on Madame
Tussaud called “Waxing
Lyrical”, which I look forward to reading before long.
to List of Contents
Blogiversary Nbr 4
I can't believe it is four long
years since I started blogging on 14th
July 2002 - but it is.
Probably like most bloggers, I found
it a lot easier in the beginning. I had a pile of issues that had been
building up inside me over many years (if not decades), so blogging was a
great way to get them off my chest. It's harder now, though, because
the original reservoir has largely dried up, so I have to keep thinking up
new stuff. I guess professional writers are faced with this all the
time - but then they get paid for it!
Meanwhile, onwards and upwards.
Late Note (19th July):
I see it is also the
fourth blogiversary of Gavin's Blog,
just four days after mine.
Congratulations from old-timer to another.
to List of Contents
Week 129's Letters to the Press
A reliable way of getting letters
published - even when they ran contrary to a newspapers' party line - has
in the past been to quote reliable, verifiable facts and figures.
That no longer seems to cut any ice with the Irish Times when I'm on their
blacklist. The Civilian Deaths letter below is a case in point, as
were my recent letters on
Iran's nuclear threat and
Castro's killings.
Correction: I judged the Irish
Times too harshly.
The Civilian Deaths letter
was published after all, on 18th July
Civilian Deaths in Israel/Gaza/Lebanon Conflict
As Senator Brendan Ryan well knows when he refers to
“the murder of innocent
civilians, many of them children”,
murder is the deliberate, premeditated unlawful killing
of another human being. Israel has not
any civilians ... |
Enforce the Alcohol Limit
For Minister for the Environment, Dick Roche to even think that carnage
on our roads would be reduced by lowering to zero the current alcohol
limit of 80 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood shows how out of
touch he is ... |
to List of Contents
Quotes of Week 128
Quote: “Israel's response will
be restrained but very, very, very painful.”
Ehud Olmert, Israel's prime minister,
on its new war with Hezbollah,
who are based in Lebanon but backed by Syrian and Iran.
Quote: “As
long as the enemy has no limits, we will have no limits ... Surprises are
coming. Our forces are still intact, and we are the ones who are choosing
the time and the place”
The response of Hassan Nasrallah,
Hezbollah's leader in Lebanon,
who had narrowly escaped a failed Israeli assassination
Quote: “The reason [inflation]'s on the rise is because
probably the boom times are getting even more boomer.”
Tortured language
from Bertie Ahern, Ireland's Taoiseach (prime minister)
arrest was unnecessary, disproportionate and, as has been described by
others, entirely theatrical
... Lord Levy has not been charged with any offence and is confident
he never will be.”
The solicitor for
Lord Levy, Labour's chief fundraiser,
uses theatrical language to protest his client's innocence
over Tony Blair's honours-for-money scandal
“It was an act that was not pardonable. I apologise to all the
children who might have seen it. I always tell children that they should
avoid doing such things ... I apologise, especially to educators and
those who tell kids what to do and what not to do.
[But] I cannot say that I regret my act ... I
apologise to all concerned but to regret it would mean that he was right to
say those things ... The guilty one is the one who created the provocation.”
Zinedine Zidane's non-apology for
assaulting Marco Materazzi
during the 2006 World Cup Final.
His final remarks defending the use of
violence in response to insults
nullify any good example his earlier words might have set.
In a non-sporting
his attack on Materazzi
would have warranted a
criminal conviction
No surprise,
therefore, that Zidane received backing from children
on the immigrant housing estates on which he
and over half the France side grew up.
It was understandable that he should defend his honour
in the face of an insult, the argument goes.
Materazzi should be punished, they say.
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ISSUE #128 -
July 2006
North Korea -
What Would Israel Do?
Two highly provocative acts have
taken place in the past week or so, and it is instructive to contrast how
each has been dealt with.
On 25th
June, Palestinian militants from Gaza
tunnelled their way into an Israeli military outpost close to Gaza, and a firefight ensued which
resulted in the death of two
attackers, two Israeli soldiers and the abduction of a third.
This was by no means the first attack that Palestinians have launched from
Gaza since the Israelis voluntarily
withdrew and handed control to them last
September – which incidentally is
more than the Egyptians ever did, who were the previous occupiers until
ejected by Israel in 1967. Since gaining control of Gaza, the
Palestinians have used it to blast off a steady stream of rockets into
Israel, albeit most of them ineffectual.
The Israelis reacted
to the abduction by demanding
the safe return of their soldier within three days. When this was not
forthcoming they launched a major military assault on Gaza to rescue him (albeit so
unsuccessfully). They also
announced they would establish a “security
zone” in northern Gaza to forestall further attacks and made
plain that Hamas officials and ministers would not be exempt from targeted
assassinations, and indeed a few such ministers were detained. By any measure, this was a robust response.
As such, whatever the eventual outcome, it is
much less likely to encourage further provocation than a softer, more
appeasing approach doubtless would.
Then on 4th July,
America’s Independence Day no less, nuclear-armed North Korea (NK) launched a
total of seven ballistic missiles in the general direction of Japan and the
United States, including its long-range Taepodong-2, which if it works
(which it didn’t) could allegedly reach Alaska. The first such launch since
1998, and in breach of a
subsequently undertook in 1999, this was a monstrously provocative
act towards the rest of the world, and the Western democracies in
particular. It has the potential to spark, under the malign eye of
nuclear China, a nuclear arms race across the Asia region, beginning with South
Korea and Japan, who are the most directly threatened, and spreading to large
countries such Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and even Australia. None will
want to find themselves outgunned by the surrounding states in an
increasingly fraught, nuclear neighbourhood.
So how has the world reacted to
North Korea’s provocation? Typically, with some honourable exceptions,
it's been a case of
“Let’s not be too hasty – we
don’t want to provoke NK”
(huh? Isn’t it NK which is doing
the provoking). |
“Let’s ‘consider’ some
sanctions on goods and technology that aid NK missile development”
(you mean these are not already
on a proscribed list?) |
“Perhaps we should try to
reconvene the six-party talks on ending NK’s missile and nuclear weapons
(would these be the same talks
that collapsed because NK walked out?) |
Only South Korea has
actually done anything – it is withholding this year’s gifts of rice and
fertiliser, though sadly this will doubtless punish the already-hungry
peasants rather than North Korea's well-fed élite and army.
So with all this global solidarity
conspiring against the Dear Leader, NK's president-for-life Kim Jong Il, you
can imagine how the unfortunate man must be quaking in his moleskin
Cuban-heeled boots. If he has further plans for missiles and bombs, he's
not facing much of a deterrent to keep him from pursuing his megalomaniacal
Just as some on the religious right
in America, when confronted with a moral dilemma, will sometimes ponder, “what
would Jesus do”, so it might be useful in this circumstance to ask,
“what would Israel do”.
Because one thing is certain – tiny
Israel, surrounded by enemies sworn to its obliteration, will never dare to
ignore a direct threat to its existence. You only have to think of its
pre-emptive destruction of Saddam’s Osirak nuclear facility in
And who doubts it will do the same in Iran if it feels it has to?
So what would Israel do? As
the Irish farmer famously observed when stopped by a motorist looking for
directions, “if I was trying to get to where you want to go, I wouldn’t
be starting from here”.
Similarly, in the Israel context, we
would never be at the stage we now are at with NK, because it would have
long since dealt decisively with the threat. It would never have got into
the Western democracies' game of waffling and appeasement, whilst ignoring -
if not aiding and abetting - the chicanery of NK’s friends, whether that be
overt (principally China) or covert (Russia, Pakistan and probably France,
which built Osirak).
However we are in the position we
are in. So, again, what would Israel do?
It could have only one objective:
regime change, by fair means or foul.
Firstly, a direct attack would not be
ruled out (as
America has done), because Israel would want to keep NK guessing and
nervous. But if it were to be undertaken, it would be massive and
probably nuclear, designed
to kill the president,
to wipe out all parts of Pyongyang
where he and his entourage might be hiding, |
to take out existing nuclear bunkers
and facilities, |
to destroy the caves on the southern
border stuffed with artillery aimed at Seoul, |
to annihilate and demoralise as much
of the enemy's
million-man army as possible. |
The idea would be to prevent or
severely curtail retaliation on South Korea, but even in the best-case
scenario, the loss of life would be horrendous, measured in the hundreds of
thousands. Definitely a last resort.
However, Israel's immediate action - in
parallel with international sanctions and attempted diplomacy - would be
more likely to involve systematic subversion of the regime. That would
involve spies (plenty available from the South) to gain information, spread
dissent, distribute money, foster sabotage, all aimed at destabilisation.
It would include unremitting radio broadcasts accompanied by floods of low
cost radios to listen with, leaflet drops, all designed to spread propaganda
among the populace. It would include targeted assassinations of key
figures, albeit they seem to be very well protected. And it would
include a complete naval blockade of the country.
Israel would make no secret of these
activities, as a main objective would be to increase the regime's sense of
paranoia and vulnerability, making it clear that any aggressive act would be
met with unprecedented punishment.
Only a verifiable halt to nuclear
bomb-making would relieve the pressure.
That's what I reckon Israel would do.
The tough thing the free world has yet
to face up to is that the longer North Korea is allowed to fester, the more
difficult, dangerous and risky the solution becomes. Israel is good at
facing up to problems, because its very survival depends on it. But
the action it feels forced to take is the reason it is so unpopular,
particularly among those for whom the only good Jew is a dead Jew.
to List of Contents
World -
(Yawn) - Cup
Well, it's all over - and what a
relief. This world cup must have been the most consistently boring
competition in the history of Association Football. I would watch some
of the games, in incomprehension at the players' leaden pace and disinterest
in goal-scoring, just occasionally awakened from my torpor by muted roars of
those around me when one of those very rare commodities - an actual goal -
would be scored.
Then I would marvel at the accounts
in the next morning's newspapers about the skill, dedication and valour of
the footballers, the excitement and enthusiasm of the occasion, the justice
of the result in reflecting which was the superior team. Were the
reporters at the same pathetic match that I had witnessed? Apparently
so, yet the myth of the emperor's new clothes had to be preserved at all
TOTALS of entire tournament |
you can see from this summary -
64 games were played in all and 149 goals scored (excluding 24 penalty
shoot-out goals).
That works out at just
2.3 goals per game or
one goal per 40 minutes. |
if you look only
at the knockout stages,
the averages drop to
just two
goals per
game or one goal per
miserable 51 minutes,
ie not even one
per half. |
Total Goals (net of penalty shoot-outs) |
149 |
Games Played |
64 |
Average Goals per game |
2.33 |
Hours played (including extra time) |
99 |
Average Minutes Between Goals |
39.87 |
TOTALS of knockout stages only |
Total Goals (net of penalty shoot-outs) |
32 |
Games Played |
16 |
Average Goals per game |
2.00 |
Hours played (including extra time) |
27 |
Average Minutes Between Goals |
50.63 |
summary of the statistics is tabulated above. For details from which
these numbers are drawn, click on the button at the right.
To make soccer - or at least World
Cup soccer - remotely exciting a few things are badly needed.
Refereeing decisions seem to be a
matter of chance, heavily influenced by the relative thespian skills of a
player either claiming/pretending to have been fouled or else protesting
innocence. Video replays repeatedly showed how often the referee's
decision was simply wrong, usually in awarding a free kick for a simulated
Until video-refereeing is
these injustices will continue,
players will perfect their
referee-deceiving techniques, |
penalties and yellow/red cards
will continue to be wrongfully awarded
(or wrongfully not awarded), and
games will continue to be decided not
by relative footballing skills
but by relative chicanery. |
referee should be able to consult a video referee in case of doubt - why
should he be the only person on the field or at home who is not allowed
to use action replays to form his decisions?
FIFA felt it must
deny that video replays influenced the Argentine referee's
decision to red-card
Zinedine Zidane for
headbutting in the World Cup final.) |
The yellow card is too soft a
punishment, which is one reason there are so many of them. Soccer
should copy rugby by sending a yellow-carded player to the sin-bin for ten
minutes, thereby creating a real disadvantage for the offender and his
team. Moreover, the referee should have available - and use - a
suitable sanction against players who argue with him, such as a free kick,
or a further ten metres,
or a yellow-card. |
But the most painful aspect of the
“beautiful game” is simply the lack of goals. Goal-scoring
has decreased hugely in the past few decades for two simple reasons:
defensive play has improved to such an extent that shots at goal are
extremely difficult and thus rare and inaccurate, and
goalkeepers have
over the years grown taller - instead of being
maybe 175 cm (5'9") they now mostly approach the two metre mark,
well over six foot. So they can reach the four corners of the
goalmouth that much more easily.
Both problems would be solved with one simple change: enlarge the
goalmouth to make goals easier to score. And do it sufficiently to
aim for an average of say ten goals per match instead of a pathetic two.
What soccer really
needs is a
Kerry Packer, a savvy, visionary, billionaire sports-enthusiast.
He is the man who revolutionised cricket, turning it, with a few astute
rule-changes and a lot of money and bullying, from a game even more
soporific than football into a dynamic, exciting sport (at least when played
according to his vision).
Imagine what would
happen if someone were to
set up a new
league, in say America, |
peopled with
professional players (perhaps grateful second-leaguers and third-worlders)
bought from all over the globe, |
playing with
impactful rule changes along the above lines, |
scoring goals in
fast-moving thrilling encounters. |
Americans would
love it (goaded on by those
“soccer moms”
who fear the injuries to their sons of American
Football). Would the rest of the world not follow (eventually even
FIFA), as
happened with Kerry Packer's cricket?
And another thing.
Why are soccer fans' songs so few, so - well - boring and so unexclusive to
any particular team. Apart from French fans' robust rendering of the
football songs seem to amount to
“'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go”
(for the English-speaking world) and
“Olé, olé, olé,
(for everyone else except the French).
World Cup Post Script |
Sad Dominique de Villepin,
(soon to be ex-) Prime Coach of France |
Happy José Pekerman,
ex-World Cup Minister of Argentina |
to List of Contents
Anti-Warriors' Arguments
Makes No Sense
I had an interesting
experience a couple of days ago. Strolling back along the Liffey from
a case at the Four Courts (Ireland's principal law court), I passed a small
anti-Iraq-war demonstration and stopped for a chat. The protestors
were astounded when I pointed at one of their banners and asked them why
exactly they objected to the Iraq war and to Ireland's minuscule involvement
(US planes refuel at Shannon).
“I can't believe I'm hearing this question” was the general
reaction, so axiomatic to them were the anti-war proclamations on their
posters and banners. So I asked who the antagonists were, and
was told it was the Americans against the Iraqis. “But that was
three long years ago”, I protested, “it's now insurgents fighting
ordinary Iraqis to prevent the birth of a new democracy that twelve million
Iraqis have voted for and whom the Americans are helping”. I was
sneeringly told that it wasn't a proper election because
“Sistani told
the Shi'ites to vote”.
The discussion became more bizarre. Every rational or factual
statement I made (eg “the Iraqis now have their own government and
constitution, bravely voted on by its citizens in three elections last year”)
was met by either
non-sequiturs (“the Americans just want the oil”),
denials (“the Americans wrote the constitution”) or
subject changes
(“yea, but what about Rwanda, North Korea and French-colonial Vietnam”).
A little crowd
gathered as the tempo and volume increased; people started taking pictures;
then a TV camera appeared from nowhere
Needless to say, the
conversation never really went anywhere. Various points were made (and
ignored) such as
“America sold arms to Iraq
during the Iran/Iraq war”,
“Yes but only to the tune of 1% compared
82% from China, Russia, France and Germany”. |
“America should never have fought in Vietnam”,
“Yet because it ran away, Vietnam remains a Communist tyranny to this
day”, |
“America always opposes democracy”,
“Who do you think made democracy possible in Japan and Germany, to
name but two?” |
“If America was so concerned about Saddam, why didn't they do something
about Burma?”
“Let's hope they do someday - those despotic generals deserve to be
overthrown.” |
In the end, after
nearly an hour of mutual haranguing, we all just
shook hands and parted company on polite terms. But it set me
If these are
typical anti-war types, as they seemed to be, then nothing can ever be
admitted that might show America up in a good light. Thus if the US does something
worthwhile, that also happens to benefit America (such as preventing more 9/11s), that action
is ispo facto reprehensible and to be resisted. All other
considerations are secondary, including the building of a new Iraq or any
other democracy. That's why they cannot accept the fact that the new
Iraqi government has been properly elected by 12m heroic voters - that's
of all over 14s, a huge turnout that would shame many Western democracies.
Of course George Bush's two election victories cannot be accepted either (“he
was only voted in because there was no anti-war candidate”,
I was told). In fact, no election is valid unless people are elected
of whom the anti-warriors approve.
But the overriding
impression I was left with was that these anti-warriors had a serious
intellectual deficit. They had never met someone who vociferously
opposed their point of view, with facts and figures, and it left them angry
and confused. They hadn't learnt how to defend their point of view
(admittedly a difficult task) or
to deal with challenge, because - I can only presume - they only ever talk
among themselves and everyone is in agreement. We who support the war, however, are always
having to analyse and defend our reasoning because we seem to be surrounded by the
opposite side, especially in the media, and therefore perhaps we are a bit
better at it. Moreover our line of reasoning is essentially logical.
My lively little
encounter only reinforced
my conviction that, by contrast, Leftists always have to be more
passionate because they have to cover up the fact that they talk such
As for that TV
camera, it turned out it was wielded by a young Australian independent
filmmaker, who told me she was making a documentary. We exchanged
phone numbers, and if I ever get to see the finished product, I'll provide a
to List of Contents
Week 128's Letters to the Press
Three letters since the last issue; none of them published,
not even - to my annoyance - the one about the Iraq war. I think I
may be back on the Irish Times' blacklist. Too much red meat,
Israeli Policy in Palestinian Area
Your columnist John Kelly calls (Palestinian)
suicide bombings
as if they were some unlucky accident. They are not ... |
Irish Support for the Iraq War
James Hyde states that
“many thousands of us (the
people) keep making it clear we are against our Government's support of
America's war in Iraq”.
No doubt this is true, but is it not a sad indictment on such people?
... |
Iran's Nuclear
Your correspondent Derek Scally reports that
“Tehran says [its
nuclear] programme is vital to secure Iran's future energy needs”. Hmmm ...
to List of Contents
Quotes of Week 128
- - - - - - - - -
- W O R L D C U P - - - - - - - - - -
“Islamists shoot World Cup fans.”
Headline, dateline
Mogadishu, Somalia.
The Islamists were clearing a cinema which was showing the Germany/France semifinal, because such
entertainment is banned under sharia law.
Quote (Irish Sun, 6th July,
“Ninety minutes before a game, there is not much a coach can do.
You can't talk to players so you sit drinking tea.”
England soccer boss
Sven Goran Eriksson
expounds on his dynamic, communicative, motivational coaching style,
which brought England to the Quarter Finals of the World Cup
“The grace of a dancer ... the smile of St Teresa ... the grimace
of a killer ... Zidane’s last match is a date with destiny,
inviting a surprise ending which the gods of football may be unable to
The Sunday Times
publishes a prescient profile of
the iconic Algerian-Frenchman Zinedine Zidane just before the World Cup
in which the captain of France, in his farewell appearance,
was sent off in ignominy for head butting an Italian player
(apparently for calling Zidane a terrorist)
- - - - - - - - - -
E N R O N - - - - - - - - - -
Quote: “Lay reacted to the jury’s decision [to convict him] like
someone hit him on the head with a two-by-four. He died right then. I
didn’t expect him to survive to go to prison.”
Pat Lopez, a courtroom
sketch artist, commenting on
Ken Lay’s reaction on being found guilty of six charges of fraud and
over the collapse of Enron (of which he had been CEO),
plus four counts of making false statements over his personal financial
Six weeks later, Lay
died of a heart attack.
He would otherwise have died in prison as he faced a sentence of up to
45 years.
- - - - - - - - - - N O R T H E R N
I R E L A N D - - - - - - - - - -
Quote :
“There is no evidence that Mrs McConville gave information to the
police, the military or the security service. She was not an informant.”
Nuala O'Loan,
Northern Ireland's redoubtable Police Ombudsman,
gives the lie to IRA/Sinn Féin's perennial claim that
Jean McConville was an informer for the British.
A working-class widowed mother of ten
young children,
the IRA murdered her in 1972 with a single shot to the head and then hid the
Her real
“crime” is believed to have been that
she had comforted a dying British soldier
whom the IRA had gunned down outside the front door of her modest flat.
Quote: “The IRA carried out a thorough investigation into
all the circumstances surrounding her death. That investigation
confirmed that Jean McConville was working as an informer for the British
The IRA's formal response to Mrs
the same IRA whose investigations couldn't even find where it had buried her
- - - - - - - - - - R A P
M U S I C - - - - - - - - - -
Quote: “Since I am sure no-one would host a singer who called for the
lynching of black people, we expect the authorities to take a similar stance
against singers who call for the shooting or burning of gay people.”
Peter Tatchell,
notorious gay-rights campaigner and founder of
demands that promoters of certain music festivals in the UK
exclude Jamaican singers such as Buju Banton, Beenie Man and Bounty
because their lyrics call for gays and lesbians to be
shot, hanged, drowned, set on fire, and have acid poured on them.
Nice guys.
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“” |
Neda Agha Soltan;
shot dead in Teheran
by Basij militia |
Good to report that as at
14th September 2009
he is at least
ON 18th OCTOBER 2011,
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My Columns in the
What I've recently
been reading
“The Lemon Tree”, by Sandy
Tol (2006),
is a delightful novel-style history of modern Israel and Palestine told
through the eyes of a thoughtful protagonist from either side, with a
household lemon tree as their unifying theme.
But it's not
entirely honest in its subtle pro-Palestinian bias, and therefore needs
to be read in conjunction with an antidote, such as
detailed review
This examines events which led to BP's 2010 Macondo blowout in
the Gulf of Mexico.
BP's ambitious CEO John Browne expanded it through adventurous
acquisitions, aggressive offshore exploration, and relentless
cost-reduction that trumped everything else, even safety and long-term
technical sustainability.
Thus mistakes accumulated, leading to terrifying and deadly accidents in
refineries, pipelines and offshore operations, and business disaster in
The Macondo blowout was but an inevitable outcome of a BP culture that
had become poisonous and incompetent.
However the book is gravely compromised by a
litany of over 40 technical and stupid
errors that display the author's ignorance and
It would be better
to wait for the second (properly edited) edition before buying.
As for BP, only a
wholesale rebuilding of a new, professional, ethical culture will
prevent further such tragedies and the eventual destruction of a once
mighty corporation with a long and generally honourable history.
Note: I wrote
my own reports on Macondo
June, and
July 2010
A horrific account
how the death
penalty is administered and, er, executed in Singapore,
the corruption of
Singapore's legal system, and |
enthusiastic embrace of Burma's drug-fuelled military dictatorship |
More details on my
This is
nonagenarian Alistair Urquhart’s
incredible story of survival in the Far
East during World War II.
After recounting a
childhood of convention and simple pleasures in working-class Aberdeen,
Mr Urquhart is conscripted within days of Chamberlain declaring war on
Germany in 1939.
From then until the
Japanese are deservedly nuked into surrendering six years later, Mr
Urquhart’s tale is one of first discomfort but then following the fall
of Singapore of ever-increasing, unmitigated horror.
After a wretched
journey Eastward, he finds himself part of Singapore’s big but useless
Taken prisoner when Singapore falls in
1941, he is, successively,
part of a death march to Thailand,
a slave labourer on the Siam/Burma
railway (one man died for every sleeper laid), |
regularly beaten and tortured,
racked by starvation, gaping ulcers
and disease including cholera, |
a slave labourer stevedoring at
Singapore’s docks, |
shipped to Japan in a stinking,
closed, airless hold with 900 other sick and dying men,
torpedoed by the Americans and left
drifting alone for five days before being picked up, |
a slave-labourer in Nagasaki until
blessed liberation thanks to the Americans’ “Fat Boy” atomic
bomb. |
Chronically ill,
distraught and traumatised on return to Aberdeen yet disdained by the
British Army, he slowly reconstructs a life. Only in his late 80s
is he able finally to recount his dreadful experiences in this
unputdownable book.
There are very few
first-person eye-witness accounts of the the horrors of Japanese
brutality during WW2. As such this book is an invaluable historical
“Culture of Corruption:
Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies”
This is a rattling good tale of the web
of corruption within which the American president and his cronies
operate. It's written by blogger Michele Malkin who, because she's both
a woman and half-Asian, is curiously immune to the charges of racism and
sexism this book would provoke if written by a typical Republican WASP.
With 75 page of notes to back up - in
best blogger tradition - every shocking and in most cases money-grubbing
allegation, she excoriates one Obama crony after another, starting with
the incumbent himself and his equally tricky wife.
Joe Biden, Rahm Emmanuel, Valerie Jarett,
Tim Geithner, Lawrence Summers, Steven Rattner, both Clintons, Chris
Dodd: they all star as crooks in this venomous but credible book.
ACORN, Mr Obama's favourite community
organising outfit, is also exposed for the crooked vote-rigging machine
it is.
This much trumpeted sequel to
Freakonomics is a bit of disappointment.
It is really just
a collation of amusing
little tales about surprising human (and occasionally animal) behaviour
and situations. For example:
Drunk walking kills more people per
kilometer than drunk driving. |
People aren't really altruistic -
they always expect a return of some sort for good deeds. |
Child seats are a waste of money as
they are no safer for children than adult seatbelts. |
Though doctors have known for
centuries they must wash their hands to avoid spreading infection,
they still often fail to do so. |
Monkeys can be taught to use washers
as cash to buy tit-bits - and even sex. |
The book has no real
message other than don't be surprised how humans sometimes behave and
try to look for simple rather than complex solutions.
And with a final
anecdote (monkeys, cash and sex), the book suddenly just stops dead in
its tracks. Weird.
A remarkable, coherent attempt by Financial Times economist Alan Beattie
to understand and explain world history through the prism of economics.
It's chapters are
organised around provocative questions such as
Why does asparagus come from Peru? |
Why are pandas so useless? |
Why are oil and diamonds more trouble
than they are worth? |
Why doesn't Africa grow cocaine? |
It's central thesis
is that economic development continues to be impeded in different
countries for different historical reasons, even when the original
rationale for those impediments no longer obtains. For instance:
Argentina protects its now largely
foreign landowners (eg George Soros) |
Russia its military-owned
businesses, such as counterfeit DVDs |
The US its cotton industry
comprising only 1% of GDP and 2% of its workforce |
The author writes
in a very chatty, light-hearted matter which makes the book easy to
However it would
benefit from a few charts to illustrate some of the many quantitative
points put forward, as well as sub-chaptering every few pages to provide
natural break-points for the reader.
This is a thrilling book of derring-do behind enemy lines in the jungles
of north-east Burma in 1942-44 during the Japanese occupation.
The author was
a member of Britain's V Force, a forerunner of the SAS. Its remit was to
harass Japanese lines of
command, patrol their occupied territory, carryout sabotage and provide
intelligence, with the overall objective of keeping the enemy out of
is admirably yet brutally frank, in his
descriptions of deathly battles with the Japs, his execution of a
prisoner, dodging falling bags of rice dropped by the RAF, or collapsing
in floods of tears through accumulated stress, fear and loneliness.
He also provides some fascinating insights into the mentality of
Japanese soldiery and why it failed against the flexibility and devolved
authority of the British.
The book amounts to
a very human and exhilarating tale.
Oh, and Irwin
describes the death in 1943 of his colleague my uncle, Major PF
Other books
here |
Click for an account of this momentous,
high-speed event
of March 2009 |
Click on the logo
to get a table with
the Rugby World Cup
scores, points and rankings.
crackling, compelling, captivating games, the new World Champions are,
England get the Silver,
Argentina the Bronze. Fourth is host nation France.
No-one can argue with
the justice of the outcomes
Over the competition,
the average
points per game = 52,
tries per game = 6.2,
minutes per try =
13 |
Click on the logo
to get a table with
the final World Cup
scores, points, rankings and goal-statistics |