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and Published [P!]
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2009 |
My sister the warlady
Letter to the Sunday Times on 30 December 2009
Sir, / It's as well that of the Thomas sisters Nikki is
flying Tornados with Janine doing the writing and not the other way round (“My
sister the warlady”,
New Review, December 27th). With Janine's euphemisms about "saving lives",
"reconnaissance work", "warning off" the Taliban by buzzing them, she makes
her sister look like a combination of ambulance driver and social worker.
Nikki the weapons instructor is obviously made of sterner stuff as she takes
the fight to the enemy, otherwise why else is she flying a warplane armed to
the teeth with bombs and guns.
Although this heroic young woman undoubtedly helps to
protect the evacuation of wounded British soldiers, her main job is to kill
the enemy from the air, which she has evidently been doing with aplomb in
both Iraq and Afghanistan for the past few years, which is why she is still
in the job and promoted to Squadron Leader. When the Taliban run for cover
as she flies low over them it is not, as her sister imagines, the sight and
sounds that frighten them. It is the knowledge that they are in the
Tornado's crosshairs and a single finger - whether coarse and hairy or
elegant and varnished - can cause their instant vaporisation.
You go, girl! / Yours etc,
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Do you think residents of the Republic shopping in Northern Ireland
are unpatriotic?
(p11) in the Irish Times
on 5th December 2009 in response to a
poll question
(answer as at 10th November: 42% Yes, 58% No)
Isn't it great how, in this vicious recession, so many tens
of thousands of Irishmen and Irishwomen are going north to do their
shopping? In truly patriotic fashion, they are thereby helping their
beleaguered fellow Irishmen and Irishwomen, who otherwise survive only
thanks to the (unwitting) munificence of the English taxpayer, in that most
benighted corner of this island to weather the cold economic winds ...
Or have Ulstermen and Ulsterwomen suddenly stopped being "fellow
Irishmen and Irishwomen"? ... It's all very confusing
Tony Allwright Ireland
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2009 |
Melanie Philips on BBC Question Time
Comment in the
Spectator-hosted Melanie Philips Blog on 27th November 2009
Well done on
QT, Melanie.
In particular, you defended the Iraq war brilliantly,
and also were brutal about the global warm-mongering scam. But I
couldn't help noticing that Dimbleby, despite his promise to the
contrary, did not permit you to answer your critics on global
warm-mongering. No doubting on which side of the argument the BBC lay.
Nevertheless, you have to give credit to the BBC for
even inviting you, given your stream of anti-BBC rhetoric in this blog.
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Fake religious images with
Letter to The Economist sent on 23 November 2009
I was astonished to see on the cover of your edition of November 14th what
appears to be the prophet Mohammed being driven into the skies by explosives
under his feet.
Is this the same newspaper that discussed the notorious
Danish cartoons at length during 2006 yet never once published, for example,
the one showing Mohammed with explosives in his turban?
Why the sudden bravery in publishing fake religious images
with explosives?
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A fifth columnist, by Presidential appointment?
Comment in the
Spectator-hosted Melanie Philips Blog on 11th November 2009
"Greg D @Logdon" writes, "I agree that radical Islam
poses a deadly threat to the West ... Iran does not threaten the West
directly. It threatens Israel."
Israel is an intrinsic part of "the West", just
as Japan and Australia are. You don't have to be in the west to
be part of "the West". This term refers to those countries which
embrace and uphold democracy, freedom, individual human rights and
capitalism and whose people are as a result wealthy and content.
Do not ever think that the destruction of Israel will
not be followed by equally vile attacks on other countries of "the
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Do you think the requirement for fuel suppliers to include 4%
of biofuels in annual sales will have a significant impact on carbon
emissions? Comment
(p5) in the Irish Times
on 10th November 2009 in response to a poll question
(answer as at 10th November: 34% Yes, 66% No)
The Greens love making grand gestures, irrespective of the
harm they do. Biofuels, unless grown locally
(as if!), will - because
taxpayer subsidies reward them so lavishly - simply displace other
agriculture. That means food. So poor people across the world will have to
face higher food bills as a direct result of indulging the Greens'
thoughtless boilerplate.
Because no-one in his/her right mind would ever volunteer for the standard
Green initiatives, they can be accomplished only by force, as is the case
for most socialist programmes.
As we celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall and the humiliating defeat of
Soviet evil and Communist depravity twenty years ago, the Greens soldier on
with similar totalitarian tendencies today.
The Greens are like tomatoes. They start out green but always end up red.
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The deep green sophistry of
Comment in the
Spectator-hosted Melanie Philips Blog on 2nd August 2009
Global-warm-mongering is of course a religion, or at least a
cult. Have a look at
Climate Changeology Cult
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2009 |
drop too much P!
Letter published by the Sunday Times (Irish edition,
print-only) on 25th October 2009
To justify the proposed reduction of the drink-drive
blood-alcohol limit from 80 to 50 mg per 100ml, you report that according to HSE research
“at least 18 drivers killed
in crashes between 2003 and 2005 had a blood alcohol level of between 50mg
and 80mg”
rebellion on drink-drive limit”,
News, last week).
On its own, this statistic
proves nothing. The
same research also concludes that 165 drivers were killed with zero
alcohol in their system. A few months earlier the HSE
told us that over 1990-2006, 65% of road deaths were unrelated to
alcohol. You could therefore conclude that sober drivers
are more dangerous than drunks.
The truth is that no-one has ever demonstrated any
increase in accidents attributable solely to a blood alcohol level of
between 50 and 80mg. The proposed reduction from 80 to 50mg is all about
ideology and self-preening and has nothing to do with road safety.
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Just surrender and be done with it
Comment in William Sjostrom's Atlantic
Blog on 6th October 2009I like the way Bruce
Thornton, Victor Hanson's buddy,
puts it:
Taking no for an answer seems to have become Mr Obama’s “presidential
trademark”. He asks and asks, but always gets the same answer.
The International Olympic Committee?
NO to games in Chicago
NO to a settlement freeze
Mahmoud Abbas?
NO to talks with Israel
King Abdullah?
NO to Saudi friendly gesture to Israel
America's NATO allies?
NO to more troops for Afghanistan
A government official in Scotland? (Or London)
NO to stopping the release of the Lockerbie bomber
Fidel Castro?
NO to loosening his dictatorial control
NO to taking back its deposed president
Russia (in thanks for cancelling anti-missile
batteries in Eastern Europe)?
NO to meaningful sanctions on Iran
I guess I am glad not to be an American - I couldn't take
the embarrassment! I squirm on your behalf.
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Perverts' defense association
Comment in William Sjostrom's Atlantic
Blog on 6th October 2009Tom Shales and Anne Applebaum are merely exemplars of the
growing respectability, among certain (largely celebrity-obsessed) parts of
the liberal West and media, of grown men raping under-age pre-pubescent
As I write in my latest
Tallrite Blog, it seems that child rape - whether as a “joke”
(Letterman) or planning a brothel (ACORN) or actually doing it (Polanksi) -
is becoming just a further expression of the West's rich cultural heritage.
How square the rest of us must be. Shouldn't we all just
lighten up and get with the latest fashion? Are there enough teenage
children for everyone?
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2009 |
Punitive responses continue the cycle of violence
Comment in the the Irish Times on 26 September 2009 to an
article by Breda O'BrienGhandi is often trotted to show how non-violence can
defeat a global empire. It is a false example. Ghandi succeeded only because
of the inherent civility and morality of the British Imperialists.
What would have been the outcome, does Ms O'Brien imagine,
had Ghandi's adversary been
the Stalinist Soviet Empire,
or the Nazi German would-be empire,
or Mao's Communist China Empire,
or Castro's Cuba,
or Saddam's Iraq,
or Ahmedinijad's Iran?
An AK47 spray and bye-bye Ghandi and all his supporters.
But no-one ever wants to praise the British for their
peaceful acquiescence to Ghandi's wishes.
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Holocaust Humor
Comment in William Sjostrom's Atlantic
Blog on 23rd September 2009Funny how these "brave" "cutting edge" "comedians" and
others love having a go at Christians ("piss Christ" etc) and Jews (Tommy
Yet when did they last put Mohammed into a bottle of urine
or proclaim that they would have love to have killed twice as many
Mohammedans as the Crusaders did? Wonder why their silence?
Interestingly, even atheists seem to be off-limits for
"comedians". You'll never find them sneering along the lines of
"You believe what? That the world just popped out of
nowhere, just like that, caused by no-one, but one day you'll figure it all
out, and meantime you're just going to go on believing your own particular
brand of fairy story? Oh, and what's that? There's no such thing as free
will? What mushrooms are you eating?"
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Would you welcome the introduction of a new postal code system? Comment
(p2) in the Irish Times
on 22nd September 2009 in response to a poll question
(answer as at 26th September: 58% Yes, 42% No)
Yes, postcodes please, but ONLY if they are all numerals,
like in America, or failing that all letters. The worst of all combinations
is the mix of numerals and capital letters you have in UK and Canada. Why?
Well, they were designed for an ancient world of handwriting that no longer
exists. In the digital age, everyone types, and many if not most touch-type.
But just try touch-typing a typical UK postcode - eg NW71AH - as fast as you
touch-type the rest of the address. You can't, your fingers will be tied up
in knots with all that jumping around the keyboard with shift-lock and
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Comment in William Sjostrom's Atlantic
Blog on 15th September 2009
Stalin was responsible for at least 24½ million deaths,
through slave-labour camps, man-made famine and executions - each category
exceeding Hitler's paltry six million Jews.
this chart, which I constructed using data from, inter alia, Bryan
Museum of Communism.
Good luck to Yevgeny Dzhugashvili with his lawsuit. Though
it being Russia, he being a Stalin and the Imperial Czar being Putin, he'll
doubtless win.
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Just who is the racist?
Comment in William Sjostrom's Atlantic Blog on 15th
September 2009
Of course, what Richard Cohen skilfully dodges as regards
the "birthers" is that Obama has never to this day produced his
original birth certificate and has spent a reported $100k on lawyers to
prevent its release. What he has provided is a Hawaiian, computer-generated
"Certification of Live Birth" which not even Hawaii accepts as a
birth certificate, which in Hawaii is called a "Certificate of Live Birth".
Since Obama was born in pre-computer 1961, the latter would have been filled
in by hand or typewriter. Moreover, there is some evidence, albeit not
conclusive, that he was born in British Kenya.
Secondly, it is a bit rich for Cohen to moan that
Republicans are getting personal about Obama, making plain that they don't
like him. Inasmuch as Democrats did precisely this relentlessly and to a far
nastier degree to Bushitlerburton (sorry, George W Bush) for seven long
years, surely it would be racist NOT to get personal! If you
do it to the white guy but not the black guy, then surely you are indeed a
rabid racist.
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2009 |
Time for Tesco to change its tune on Unicef (on
page 2)
to the Irish Times on 27th August 2009I
agree that Tesco, having been alerted that their slogan is already in
long-term use by UNICEF, should simply withdraw it, which would be an
elegant solution to the dispute. They have no excuse.
However the rest of Mr Gibbons polemic is undergraduate drivel.
It is not Tesco that has made itself powerful, it is its millions upon
millions of customers. So Mr Gibbons should direct his ire at them, rather
than infer that somehow Tesco should be curtailed. But then democratic
solutions is never his preferred route.
As for moaning about the hardships of third world farmers, Tesco is not to
blame. At least Tesco is buying their stuff. If he truly had the farmers'
interests at heart he would be calling for the destruction of the EU's
Common Agricultural Policy (and America's similar protectionism) and calling
for free trade in third world farming produce. But this too doesn't fit with
the Left's agenda.
John Smyth, Tony AllWrong and Colin Reid, where are you three stooges
coming from? John, FFS, as you'd say yourself, do you know nothing at
all about how branding works? Are you really that innocent? Tony, you've
got that bulldog-licking-piss-off-a-nettle face on, havent you?
Take a look in the mirror, dude. Colin, have you been at the Kool Aid
again? Guys – a little FOCUS please!
Mr Gibbons later
wrote to me privately, considering my attack to be ad-hominen.
I apologised if this were the case (eg the expression
was a bit
We then agreed to disagree on our respective politics and
worldviews, but to remain civil.
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Obama "Birthers" (Again)
Letter to the Sunday Times sent on 13th August 2009
Sir, - Andrew Sullivan's adulation of and self-abasement
before President Obama and horror that some Americans might actually oppose
him or his policies are, frankly, becoming embarrassing.
His disparagement of the "birthers" by misrepresenting
their argument is the latest illustration ("Obama still isn't president in
the south", News Review, p4, August 9). He surely knows that the Hawaiian
birth document released by Mr Obama is but a computer-generated
"Certification of Live Birth" (which Mr Sullivan incorrectly refers to as a
"certification of birth" and "the original birth certificate") which even
Hawaii, though it issues such certificates, does not accept as proof of
birth in Hawaii. He also shoots down the straw man that birthers think Mr
Obama is not a US citizen. Of course he is, just like California Governor
Arnold Schwarzenegger is.
Their only issue is whether or not Mr Obama is a "natural
born citizen" as the US constitution demands, in the face of some admittedly
flimsy evidence (such as a relative's eye-witness account of his birth) that
he might have been born in Kenya.
Yet Mr Obama resolutely refuses to release his original
Hawaiian "Certificate of Live Birth", issued at birth, which is the one
thing that would permanently shut the birthers up. Two classified ads in
Hawaiian newspapers may be good enough for Mr Sullivan but they are not
So the question remains: why will Mr Obama not release his
original, 1961, pre-computer birth certificate? There has to be a reason.
Mr Sullivan seems to realise the hopelessness of his
defence, hence his parting non-sequitur that all birthers must be racists.
Yours etc,
Obama's Hawaiian
“Certification of Live Birth”
Click to enlarge |
A Hawaiian
“Certificate of Live Birth”
in 1961, Obama's birth year
Click to enlarge |
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Obama 'Birthers'
Letter published (with some edited out words) in the Irish
Independent on 12th August 2009
Sir, - In his tale of personal horror at the very idea
that some Americans might oppose
President Obama or his policies,
David Aaronovitch demonstrates exactly why the "birthers" have gained
such traction (Birther'
attacks on Obama are born of hatred and fear, Opinion, August 11).
He describes how the birthers are questioning whether Mr
Obama was, as the Constitution demands, born in the
US. This is due to some flimsy evidence (such as a relative's
eye-witness account of his birth) that he might have been born in
But Mr Obama resolutely refuses to release his original
birth certificate, which is the one thing that would permanently shut the
birthers up. Mr Aaronovitch remains silent on this central issue,
apparently satisfied by a couple of classified announcements in Hawaiian
newspapers. Yest the question remains. Why will Mr Obama not
release it? There has to be a reason. - Yours etc.
Irish Independent, 13th August 2009
Tony Allwright (Letters, August 12) claims
President Obama "resolutely refuses to release his original birth
certificate" in order to refute the "birthers" who claim he is not an
American citizen. Mr Obama released his original birth certificate in
2008 to quell claims from the far-right that he was not a natural-born
US citizen.
There is a reason conspiracy theories are so easily
debunked -- the facts keep getting in the way!
Gary J Byrne, IFSC, Dublin 1
My response (not published - yet)
Gary J Byrne (Letters,
August 13) claims that "Mr Obama released his
original birth certificate". He did not. What he released was a
computer-generated "Certification of Live Birth" which even
Hawaii, though it issues such certificates, does not accept as proof of
birth in Hawaii. What he refuses to release is his his original
Hawaiian "Certificate of Live Birth", issued at birth, which in 1961 was
typed up long before computers did the job.
Oh and the issue is not his citizenship but whether or
not he was born in the USA.
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What Obama and My [ie Chuck
Norris's} Wife Have in Common
35th comment on an article in Human Events by Chuck Norris
on 4th August 2009
Hawaii document everyone is providing links to in this thread is NOT
President Obama's birth certificate. It is a computer-generated
“Certification of Live Birth”,
a different document altogether and one which for certain purposes even the
State of Hawaii does not accept as a birth certificate.
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Obama's gesture to the Jews
Comment in the
Spectator-hosted Melanie Philips Blog on 2nd August 2009
Not content with insulting Jews, Mary Robinson then
insulted the Irish people by aborting her term as president before full
term simply because Koffi Annan made a better offer at the UN.
Actually anti-Semitism in Ireland is closely linked to
anti-Unionism, especially in Northern Ireland. Thus the Star of David
and the Union Jack fly together in one part of town while the Tricolour
and Palestinian flag fly together in another.
Though this bigotry is less explicit in the South, the
Republican movement has long been antipathetic to Jewry, and during WW2
supported the anti-Jew Germans.
Thus Prime Minister De Valera famously signed his
condolences on the death of Hitler in 1945.
More recently, a statue has just been reinstated in
Dublin to the
IRA's Seán Russell,
killed during WW2, which is the
only such monument in the EU
which glorifies a wartime Nazi collaborator and stooge.
So unfortunately, Mary Robinson's disgraceful
behaviour doesn't attract much criticism in Ireland.
@Tony Allwright
I think any nation suffering attrocities at the hands of their
oppressors would seek help from anyone willing to help them no
matter what the cost. The fact that some of our countrymen
looked for assistance from Germany to help us in our struggle
against ENGLAND matters not. Do not say that Ireland is Anti-Semetic
just because of this. In those times any country that was
opposed to England was the better of two evils, because the
attrocities commited in Ireland by the English are not that much
differnt from those comitted by German Nazis. Ireland is not
anti Jewish or anti Semetic..
Tony Allwright,
So, Kevin (without a surname), England's
atrocities against Ireland in the 1930s and 1940s were "not
much different from those committed by the German Nazis",
eh? Then where exactly were those English death camps where the
Irish were gassed in their millions? And what cities did the
English ethnically cleanse of all Irish inhabitants?
Look, you are entitled to love, worship and
admire the Nazis, as enemies of England, all you like along with
their collaborators and stooges whether Petain or Seán Russell.
But you are really on shaky ground when you try to justify this
by presuming moral equivalence between on the one hand the
fascist regimes of the Axis powers and on the other the
democratic Allies (including England), which - thank God -
destroyed them in 1945.
As for anti-Semitism in Ireland, name me one
Irish politician - just one - who is openly pro-Jew or
pro-Israel. Actually there is one - Alan Shatter, but he is
Ireland's only parliamentarian who is himself a Jew. All others
know they would enrage most of their constituents were they to
dare express pro-Zionist views, even if they had them.
PS - For the record, I am not a Jew.
'As for anti-Semitism in Ireland, name me one
Irish politician - just one - who is openly pro-Jew or
pro-Israel.'I can't name one who is
but a few who were. One former Irish pol who was most
definitely pro-Israel was Conor Cruise O'Brien who wrote a
book on the subject. Another who was well regarded by some
in the Jewish community was Michael McDowell. The Zionist
For a Day award surely goes to Bertie Ahern (according to
Rory Miller):
'In 1999, Ahern visited Israel and met
Netanyahu. At the press conference he said Netanyahu had
told him that with the Palestinians trying to murder
Israelis, Israel should not give up land. Ahern said this
position made sense to him.'
Ireland's neutrality in the Second World
War was a product of her history. De Valera could not have
fought alongside Britain even if he had wanted to. Instead
Ireland was covertly pro-British, as the record shows on
matters such as internees. This position vis-a-vis a former
colonial ruler was fairly restrained compared to, say,
Finland's to the Soviet Union.
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2009 |
Do you think the G8 commitments on climate change
mark a new departure in the fight to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?Comment in the Irish Times
on 10th July 2009 in response to a poll question
(answer as at 10th July: 40% Yes, 60% No)
The G8 commitments mark a new departure certainly, in the
sense of committing even more of taxpayers' money to the cause. But it won't
make the slightest difference to the march of the climate.
Firstly, the world's average temperature has been cooling
throughout this century, not warming. A non-existent problem is being
Secondly, it is beyond the laws of molecular physics and
almost every other brance of science to claim that the tiny proportion of
CO2 in the atmosphere generated by human acitivity (just 12 parts per
million) can have any global effect on the climate in the face of all the
other natural forces that rain down on us from space. Not least from the
sun, which is 300,000 times bigger than earth.
The only evidence that global "warming" is caused
by anthropomorphic CO2 is the anthropomorphic emotions this wild idea
I later had to
admit a mistake: I should have used the word
rather than
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2009 |
Do you think Bernard Madoff's 150 year sentence is excessive? Comment in the Irish Times
on 13th June 2009 in response to a poll question
(answer as of 30th June: 38% Yes, 62% No)
You've got to hand it to Bernie. Once the law was on to
him, he knew the game was up for him personally. The gigantic nature of his
frauds, plus his advanced years, meant that he would never get out of prison
So he obviously brought his family together (wife, sons,
brothers) and said words to the effect,
“I'm dead meat whatever happens,
but there's no reason why the rest of you should have to go down with me,
even though you were in those frauds up to your own slithery\ eyeballs”.
So he pleaded guilty, making the preposterous claim that
no-one but he perpetrated the frauds or even knew about them.
The guilty plea meant there would be no cross-examination
and therefore the roles of family members, and for that matter his staff,
would never be exposed or even threatened.
Meanwhile, he and his family had made sure that the bulk
of their enormous, ill-gotten wealth, measured in billions, was squirrelled
away out of the sight and reach both of the authorities and of his hapless
Smart, eh? And utterly amoral.
Spokeshead, another commenter, makes an
interesting point:
“The Chinese method
would have been better - bullet in the back of the head and auction
the organs.”
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Should the entire primary school infrastructure be taken into public
ownership? Comment in the Irish Times
on 13th June 2009 in response to a poll question
(answer as at 13th June: 64% Yes, 36% No)
Absolutely not.
When was this government - or any government anywhere -
able to run schools, or indeed any business? That is where their competency
most definitely does not run.
If the schools are to be wrenched from the religious
orders (a move of very dubious merit), they should be auctioned off to the
highest bidders prepared to run them on a private basis.
If the State is then to continue providing
education, it should simply issue vouchers to parents, who would redeem them
by sending their kids to the newly privatised schools of their choice.
This will of course never happen because the teachers
unions, that organization dedicated to its members' interests at the expense
of children's and which all political parties are terrified of offending,
will never permit an action which so blatantly favours children's education.
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The modern heresy of true
Comment in the
Spectator-hosted Melanie Philips Blog on 1st June 2009
The “science” that purports to
prove global warming is caused by anthropogenic CO2 is indeed bunkum.
Just have a look at the excellent
layman's guide to the molecular physics involved (http://tinyurl.com/2zmvhl).
To summarise, CO2 molecules warm the
world by vibrating when hit by infrared rays from the sun bouncing off the
earth. It’s the vibrations that give off heat. But the molecules are
tickled into vibrating by only 8% of the infrared spectrum. Moreover,
human-caused C02 in our air is effectively a trace element (3% of
atmospheric CO2) of a trace element (400 ppm in the atmosphere), getting
even tracer as altitude increases.
When you do the sums, you find that the
man-made CO2 molecules are 2 Angstroms wide and spaced about 1,200 Angstrom
apart. Let’s now draw an analogy.
Suppose I
pick up my (t)rusty Kalashnikov and start machine-gunning pinhead targets
two millimetres in diameter. I will find it very hard to hit many pinheads
if they happen to be scattered 1-1½ metres apart. Especially when all but
8% of my bullets are duds.
But that is,
essentially, the hypothesis of Al Gore, the IPCC and their fellow global
warm-mongers about the greenhouse effect – that those infrared bullets are
colliding with tiny yet vastly-spaced man-made CO2 molecules, so
consistently that they warm the earth up. No wonder he stays silent about
molecular physics and screens out hostile
questioners and audiences whenever he proselytises in public.
An FTIR spectroscopist writes:
Tony Allwright - the bending, stretching and
vibrational modes of covalent bonds absorb IR radiation, not emit
It's a rather important difference.
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2009 |
Should the world fear North Korea's latest sabre rattling? Comment in the Irish Times
on 28th May 2009 in response to a poll question
(answer as at 27th May: 57% Yes, 43% No)
North Korea's improved nuclear weapons, its renunciation
of the 1953 armistice and the unpredictability of Kim Jong Il its dictator
make for a very dangerous combination indeed.
With the two Koreas now technically back in a "hot" war,
does Seoul wait for a bomb to arrive from the North or does it pre-empt and
invade? In either event, dreadful conflagration could follow, sucking in
both China and America, the respective allies.
And what will Iran do as it watches how the the novice
Barack Obama reacts to the North Korea developments? For example he did
nothing after North Korea's provocative missile test during his recent
European Tour.
Yet without a very robust reaction to North Korea,
will rightly conclude he has nothing to fear from the US with his own
continued development of nuclear weapons. Once he has them he will of course
use them and we all know against whom. It will, in turn, oblige the
neighbouring Sunni states to acquire such weapons for their own defence
against the Iranian Shi'ites.
In such a scenario, the pressure will be overwhelming on
Israel alone to "solve" the Iran nuclear problem. Its only option will be to
bomb their nuclear sites, and risk the wrath that follows.
So yes, the world should indeed fear North Korea's latest
sabre rattling.
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Should the Government freeze the assets of religious orders
that refuse to pay more compensation to abuse victims?Comment in the Irish Times
on 27th May 2009 in response to a poll question
(answer as at 27th May: 72% Yes, 28% No)
The Government voluntarily landed itself with 90% of the
compo tab due solely to the utter ineptitude of [Education] Minister
[Dr Michael] Woods, his negotiators and the Cabinet of the day.
Nevertheless, a signed contract cannot under the law be unilaterally
invalidated, which is what in effect the freezing of assets would be
“A Son of the Red Saltire British
Indian Ocean Territory“”
says that
“There are two guilty parties :
The religious orders and government.”
This is too easy going. Every - EVERY - adult played
his/her part in these hideous abuses, in addition to the two mentioned. The
Guards and "Charities" who rounded kids up, the legal profession who
sentenced them, the parents who allowed their unmarried pregnant daughters
to be taken away, the lay teachers and other staff of the various
institutions, as well as those who worked for their suppliers and
But above all, the adult public at large who knew exactly
what was going on, and either actively approved or by staying silent tacitly
approved. What were they thinking as they saw those crocodiles of shabby
downcast boys traipsing through the town? To discipline their children,
mothers and fathers used to threaten to send them to these institutions,
knowing the terror it struck in their kids' hearts, or else made such
threats as a "joke". They all KNEW.
Thus no-one over 60 or 70, other than the abused, is
innocent of collusion, just as in the 1940s no German was innocent of
collusion with the Nazi regime and its death camps.
If the assets of the religious orders are to be frozen, it
would be logical to also freeze the assets of all non-abused pensioners for
their collusion which made the whole abuse tolerable to society.
Finally, let's have no more snivelling from such
pensioners about medical cards, Christmas bonuses and so forth. They should
hang their heads in shame for their active or passive collusion which
created the fertile environment in which the clerical child abuse
could flourish.
Yes.....beyond every shadow of doubt.
Just John Ireland |
To Top of index |
Superheroes are starting to bug me
Comment to MacLeans, Canada's top-selling news
magazine, on 16th May 2009
Enjoyed this [Mark Steyn] article. The proliferation of
movie superheroes is most peculiar, and the way that these days they never
encounter bad guys who resemble any actual bad guys like, for example, the
ones that Daniel Pearl or Theo van Gogh met up with.
But at the end you erroneously attribute to The
Incredibles that famous epigram,
“when everyone’s special,
nobody is”.
In fact it was WS Gilbert who coined the original in The
Gondoliers back in 1889 when he has Don Alhambra del Bolero, the Grand
Inquisitioner of Venice, convincing gondoliers Marco and Giuseppe Palmieri
sing along with him that,
“When every one is
“Then no one's anybody!”
To Top of index |
Learning nothing from history
Comment in the
Spectator-hosted Melanie Philips Blog on 12th May 2009Gaza is the model we must perforce look
at when contemplating the creation of a second Palestinian state (the first
being Jordan).
For Gaza is, to all intents and
purposes, already a 100% Palestinian state, with its own elected government
and - thanks to lavish funds from the EU, US and various Arab states - an
income far beyond what it is actually able to earn. And not a Jew in
If ever there was a laboratory to
experiment with how Palestinian statehood might look, Gaza is surely it.
And what a horror. For its own people
and for its neighbours, especially Israel under relentless rocket attack.
Even mighty Egypt is horrified, which is
why it continues to imprison Gaza's population rather than open its crossing
at Rafah and risk having Gazan Palestinians run riot within Egypt.
Moreover, there is no sign of any
mollification in the way Gaza is governed, or the anti-Jew propaganda spewed
over the airwaves or indoctrinated into schoolkids. In other words, Gaza is
not transiting to some better place. If anything, it’s getting worse.
What you see in Gaza today is what you
will get in a new Palestinian state.
Unless and until Gaza becomes civilized,
no-one but no-one should support the creation of a Palestinian state.
That means you, Barry.
From Ros
Tony Allwright: Excellent post. Why is it that no one
else seems to get this point?
Why on earth do they continue to spout
the nonsense of 'Two States'? In addition,
why is it that it would
appear that over 1,000 people have been killed by the Sri
army and Tamil Tigers over the last few days and nobody but nobody
is in
the least bit interested? Not a photo on the front page. No
screams of 'massacre'
'war crimes' ' genocide'? Maybe it's because
they're not using 'UN' buildings from
which to shoot and launch
missiles? Buildings are obviously far more important
than people and
'Palestinians' far, far more important than Sri Lankans.
From JW
The wishful thinking, appeasement policy of the US State
Departm't & Obama clouds the
common sense logic & evident facts
stated in Tony Allwright's post above about Gaza
already being a
dependant terrorist state indoctrinating hatred to the next
of Arab ingrates. |
To Top of index |
Lazy journalism exposed by online hoax
Comment in the Irish Times
on 7th May 2009Well done, Shane, a magnificent experiment that has
exposed journalistic laziness across the globe.
Though not, of course, within the Irish Times ;-]
But how can you be so sure that Monsieur Jarre did NOT utter those memorable
words at some stage of his long and illustrious life? Maybe you better do a
bit of research.
Remember that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence ...
To Top of index |
2009 |
Do you think the US is less vulnerable to terrorist attack
under the presidency of Barack Obama?
Comment to poll question in the Irish
Times on 13th April 2009Current Poll: 50%:50%
The Appeaser-in-Chief, who
| bows and grovels to the feudal
“King” Abdullah of Sharia
Saudi - as he did during his recent European
Apology Tour,
| and is so casual about the recent North Korean rocket
test |
| and shows no sign of constraining Iran's nuclear
weapons ambitions, |
can only encourage the Islamic enemies of America into
becoming bolder. To view the kowtowing - scarcely covered in the European
press - go
To Top of index |
2009 |
Tolerant, except for an opposing view P!
Published in the Irish Independent on
3rd March 2009Sir, - Gary Brown objects to
David Quinn's objection that, on "Today
With Pat Kenny" on 23 February, no dissenting voice or hard questions
were heard in a four-person panel-discussion in favour of same-sex marriage
marriage rant is outdated, February 28th), asserting that "people are
more open-minded and tolerant". Except it seems when it comes to opposing
views. Has this "tolerant" man no sense of irony? - Yours etc
To Top of index |
Comment in William Sjostrom's Atlantic
Blog on 2nd March 2009
The farce of the
If you want to learn more about the devious Trócaire, try
Unworthy Charities,
Trócaire Fisked not Fixed and especially
Trócaire and Child Labour.
I should have added
To Top of index |
Comment in William Sjostrom's Atlantic
Blog on 2nd March 2009
Ah, now I finally understand
That's cos those lazy Americans use only one side of the
supersoft paper. They could halve global warming by using both sides as we
enlightened Europeans do.
To Top of index |
Comment in William Sjostrom's Atlantic
Blog on 2nd March 2009
Screwing the poor
"Our schools don't just need more resources; they need
more reform."
The seeds of failure are right there in that sentence
[of Obama's], which no-one in business would ever dare utter. "More
resources" must never precede "reform", otherwise you hear "thank
you for the resources" and the "reform" never happens.
"Reform" must always be demanded first, the "more
resources" only delivered AFTER the reform has been delivered. The "more
resources" should always be used strictly as a bribe, perhaps doled out
piecemeal, a little bit of "reform" followed by a little bit of "resources"
and so on.
But then President Obama has never run anything
substantive in his life (apart from his brilliant campaign) so how can he
have ever learnt this elementary lesson? He obviously hasn't
To Top of index |
Published in the Economist on
12th March 2009 A
City on a Hill P!
Or, Schwarzenegger - the
unbalanced governor
Sir, - I must protest at the photograph of California’s
governor in your article on the
state’s fiscal crisis (“The
ungovernable state”, February 21st).
The laws of physics will
simply not permit
Arnold Schwarzenegger,
even as the Terminator,
to carry a coffin, empty
or otherwise, on one
shoulder while the
position of his body is,
as shown, vertical. He
would simply fall over to
his left, unless his body
curved rightward to
ensure his combined
centre of gravity
remained within the
area defined by his
feet. |
Perhaps the photo was used to illustrate that he is,
indeed, falling to his left under the
burden of unsustainable social and pork-barrel spending.
Alternatively, the “coffin” is no
more than an empty polystyrene box designed to deceive Californians into
believing he
has got firm control of the dead weight the state imposes on its beleaguered
and that the budget is as firmly balanced as he is. Either way, it augurs
ill for
Californians. - Yours etc,
To Top of index |
2009 |
Comment in the
Spectator-hosted Melanie Philips Blog on 27th February 2009
American addition to the Islamists' armoury?
In a Spectator article entitled "Down
with Saudi Arabia", Mark Steyn identified Charles Freeman as what
the Irish would term a sleeveen way back in March 2002. Does Obama
know what he is doing (ie vindictively anti-Semitic) or not (ie
To Top of index |
To the Sunday Times (UK
edition), 19th February 2009
Obama as an exemplar of competitiveness and ethics
Christina Lamb is absolutely right when she
says "There is no conflict between being competitive and having a proper
sense of right and wrong". (What's
wrong with winning?, February 15th). But she then cites Barack Obama.
Would that be the highly competitive Obama
who won the US presidency against formidable opposition?
Or the Obama
| who associated closely
| with the racist Rev Wright preaching
anti-American racism from the pulpit, |
| with the unrepentent terrorists Bill
Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, |
| with the convicted fraudster Tony
Rezko, |
| with Prof Rashid Khalidi the
supporter of Palestinian terror; |
| the unexplained withdrawal of whose two
Illinois senatorial rivals in 2004 followed the mysterious
of their sealed divorce papers; |
| who supported through teaching and cash
ACORN which in turn enlisted millions of fictitious voters; |
| whose relationship with disgraced
Illinois governer Rod Blagojeich remains curious to say the least?
Yours etc,
To Top of index |
To Mark Steyn,
international columnist, on 10th February 2009
Canada vs Free Speech
Mark, - Congratulations on your
stellar performance in front of Ontario's Standing Committee. In a
couple of the commentaries
to which you link, much is made of the name of the Irish bar to which you
later repaired with some of your admirers, the "Pogue Mahone", as
this is also the alias used by Richard Warman when posing in cyberspace as a
Your readers should also be aware that this
is an Irish phrase which is properly written as
mo thóin". It translates as "Kiss my arse" (or
for you North Americans, "Kiss my ass").
How appropriate. - Sincerely,
+ + + + + + +
The above letter immediately triggered
following post by Mr Steyn.
Richard Warman's arse [UPDATED!]*
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
[See the rear end of this post for late-breaking addendum]
I meant to explore this
rich topic last year, but Dublin reader Tony Allwright (proprietor of
Tallrite website) sends along this
helpful etymological addendum:
Congratulations on your
stellar performance in front of Ontario's Standing Committee.
In a
couple of the
commentaries to which you link, much is made of the name of the
Irish bar to which you later repaired with some of your admirers,
the "Pogue Mahone", as this is also the alias used by Richard Warman
when posing in cyberspace as a neo-Nazi.
Your readers should also
be aware that this is an Irish phrase which is properly written as "Póg
mo thóin". It translates as "Kiss my arse" (or for you North
Americans, "Kiss my ass").
How appropriate.
Indeed. The names chosen by
Canada's leading Internet Nazis - Warman and Dean ("jadewarr") Steacy -
are really quite revealing of the system's pathological pettiness.
(*My mind might be playing
tricks, but isn't that the title of a song from Warren Kinsella's
band? Cat Out Of Hell, or whatever they're called.)
UPDATE: Marc Lemire, whose
Section 13 prosecution has led to the uncovering of the kinky behavior
of the federal "human rights" warriors, sends along the following
reminder that Mr Warman has one of the rare rear ends to be probed in
court. From the
MR. FROMM: Did you in fact at one point register? [ON
MR. WARMAN: I did, yes. I registered a pseudonym,
MR. FROMM: What was the pseudonym?
MR. WARMAN: The pseudonym was "pogue mahone".
MR. FROMM: Could you spell that,please?
MR. WARMAN: The pseudonym was P-O-G-U-E, new word,
M-A-H-O-N-E. It is the name of an Irish Celtic music group.
MR. FROMM: Is it also Gaelic for "kiss my rear end"?
MR. WARMAN: I'm not sure.
Paul Fromm is observing the
important legal principle: When you hit bottom, dig.
PS I hesitate to accuse Mr Warman
of a perjurious posterior, but I wonder if he was quite so unsure as he
To Top of index |
Comment in the
Spectator-hosted Melanie Philips Blog on 8th December 2008
How did they [the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]
ever get away with this?
Melanie, I am with you on this topic.
I have analysed in some depth data published by the Energy Information
Administration, which lists the CO2 emissions of every country in the world
each year from 1980 to 2005. I have compared the emissions performances of
Kyoto ratifiers (eg the EU) with non-ratifiers (eg the USA), over the period
1997 (when Kyoto was formulated) to 2005.
And guess what.
The 61 non-ratifiers increased their emissions by 5%, but the 162 ratifiers
increased theirs by an astonishing 29%!
The EU as a whole went up by 6½% but under that toxic Texan the USA went
DOWN by nearly 1%.
The more you ratify, it seems, the worse you perform.
But what is important is to advertise your virtue by ratifying Kyoto (and
then virtually ignoring it), rather than to proclaim your non-ratification
(but quietly getting on with reducing your CO2).
Not that man-made CO2 has anything at all to do with climate change.
All this is not information that the impartial ICCC is going to tell you.
To Top of index |
To the Sunday Times (Irish
edition), 4th February 2009
Bodies - and Smut
Sir, - I am surprised - and a little disappointed - to see
Brenda Power join the media bandwagon that says the "Bodies"
exhibition in Dublin has no scientific and or artistic merit, solely because
the provenance of the bodies has not been proven to their satisfaction ("It’s
not big or clever to deny people their dignity in death", February
1st, 2009). I have news for the media: the provenance situation does not, as
they appear to believe, prove that the bodies are from executed prisoners,
which is their pure conjecture.
Also, in her otherwise solemn lecture on dignity in death,
what was the relevance of her smutty little joke about men thinking with
their penis not their brain ("The concentration of male blood vessels, for
example, conclusively settles the debate over which organ men use for
thinking")? - Yours etc,
To Top of index |
2009 |
Comment in the Irish Times
on 24th January 2009 in response to a poll question,
“Is George W Bush the worst
president in US history?”
(answer: 66% Yes, 34% No)
Yes dammit, he WAS the worst ever.
When was the last time any US president overthrew two
vicious dictatorships, replaced them with democracies however flawed and
liberated 50m people?
I am appalled that he has finally achieved victory in Iraq
- yes, victory. Al Qaeda and the other murderous insurgents have been
defeated and humiliated. Their deaths were for naught. This new democracy,
the only Arab one in the world, is finally at peace and rebuilding itself.
So, thanks to that wretched W, we now have to look
elsewhere than Iraq for our quota of fascist, misogynist, homophobic,
anti-Semitic murderous regimes.
Ah well, at least Hamas and Hezbollah still give us cause
for hope and inspiration.
To Top of index |
Comment in William Sjostrom's Atlantic
Blog on 9th January 2009
Some bigots you just can't please
(post about Amnesty International and Gaza)
On 7th January, Amnesty did me the (dis)honour of inviting
me to join their anti Gaza war protest in St Stephen's Green on 9th January.
FYI, this is what I replied ...
Why Amnesty's sudden excitement about Gaza?
You've had eight long years to organise protests in St
Stephen's Green, harangue foreign ambassadors, make demands of the
Government, while Hamas has - in the hope of killing civilians - rained down
thousands of rockets on Israel. Which by the way long ceased being "the
occupying power" in Gaza.
You also seem very relaxed about the Hamas war crime of
launching attacks while shielding behind women and children and within
schools, mosques and hospitals. As you surely know, civilian casualties that
result from such behaviour are attributable under international law to the
party that is using civilians as shields, not to the attacking party.
I would have thought Amnesty would be delighted that
Israel is finally trying to neutralise the Islamicist fascist anti-Semitic
misogynistic homophobic murderous organization that is Hamas. I can't
understand why you would be so keen to defend them (unless - which I can't
imagine - you feel equanimity about killing Jews).
Needless to say, I will not be joining your misplaced
To Top of index |
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“” |
Neda Agha Soltan;
shot dead in Teheran
by Basij militia |
Good to report that as at
14th September 2009
he is at least
ON 18th OCTOBER 2011,
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Blog Directory
Discover the
My Columns in the
What I've recently
been reading
“The Lemon Tree”, by Sandy
Tol (2006),
is a delightful novel-style history of modern Israel and Palestine told
through the eyes of a thoughtful protagonist from either side, with a
household lemon tree as their unifying theme.
But it's not
entirely honest in its subtle pro-Palestinian bias, and therefore needs
to be read in conjunction with an antidote, such as
detailed review
This examines events which led to BP's 2010 Macondo blowout in
the Gulf of Mexico.
BP's ambitious CEO John Browne expanded it through adventurous
acquisitions, aggressive offshore exploration, and relentless
cost-reduction that trumped everything else, even safety and long-term
technical sustainability.
Thus mistakes accumulated, leading to terrifying and deadly accidents in
refineries, pipelines and offshore operations, and business disaster in
The Macondo blowout was but an inevitable outcome of a BP culture that
had become poisonous and incompetent.
However the book is gravely compromised by a
litany of over 40 technical and stupid
errors that display the author's ignorance and
It would be better
to wait for the second (properly edited) edition before buying.
As for BP, only a
wholesale rebuilding of a new, professional, ethical culture will
prevent further such tragedies and the eventual destruction of a once
mighty corporation with a long and generally honourable history.
Note: I wrote
my own reports on Macondo
June, and
July 2010
A horrific account
how the death
penalty is administered and, er, executed in Singapore,
the corruption of
Singapore's legal system, and |
enthusiastic embrace of Burma's drug-fuelled military dictatorship |
More details on my
This is
nonagenarian Alistair Urquhart’s
incredible story of survival in the Far
East during World War II.
After recounting a
childhood of convention and simple pleasures in working-class Aberdeen,
Mr Urquhart is conscripted within days of Chamberlain declaring war on
Germany in 1939.
From then until the
Japanese are deservedly nuked into surrendering six years later, Mr
Urquhart’s tale is one of first discomfort but then following the fall
of Singapore of ever-increasing, unmitigated horror.
After a wretched
journey Eastward, he finds himself part of Singapore’s big but useless
Taken prisoner when Singapore falls in
1941, he is, successively,
part of a death march to Thailand,
a slave labourer on the Siam/Burma
railway (one man died for every sleeper laid), |
regularly beaten and tortured,
racked by starvation, gaping ulcers
and disease including cholera, |
a slave labourer stevedoring at
Singapore’s docks, |
shipped to Japan in a stinking,
closed, airless hold with 900 other sick and dying men,
torpedoed by the Americans and left
drifting alone for five days before being picked up, |
a slave-labourer in Nagasaki until
blessed liberation thanks to the Americans’ “Fat Boy” atomic
bomb. |
Chronically ill,
distraught and traumatised on return to Aberdeen yet disdained by the
British Army, he slowly reconstructs a life. Only in his late 80s
is he able finally to recount his dreadful experiences in this
unputdownable book.
There are very few
first-person eye-witness accounts of the the horrors of Japanese
brutality during WW2. As such this book is an invaluable historical
“Culture of Corruption:
Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies”
This is a rattling good tale of the web
of corruption within which the American president and his cronies
operate. It's written by blogger Michele Malkin who, because she's both
a woman and half-Asian, is curiously immune to the charges of racism and
sexism this book would provoke if written by a typical Republican WASP.
With 75 page of notes to back up - in
best blogger tradition - every shocking and in most cases money-grubbing
allegation, she excoriates one Obama crony after another, starting with
the incumbent himself and his equally tricky wife.
Joe Biden, Rahm Emmanuel, Valerie Jarett,
Tim Geithner, Lawrence Summers, Steven Rattner, both Clintons, Chris
Dodd: they all star as crooks in this venomous but credible book.
ACORN, Mr Obama's favourite community
organising outfit, is also exposed for the crooked vote-rigging machine
it is.
This much trumpeted sequel to
Freakonomics is a bit of disappointment.
It is really just
a collation of amusing
little tales about surprising human (and occasionally animal) behaviour
and situations. For example:
Drunk walking kills more people per
kilometer than drunk driving. |
People aren't really altruistic -
they always expect a return of some sort for good deeds. |
Child seats are a waste of money as
they are no safer for children than adult seatbelts. |
Though doctors have known for
centuries they must wash their hands to avoid spreading infection,
they still often fail to do so. |
Monkeys can be taught to use washers
as cash to buy tit-bits - and even sex. |
The book has no real
message other than don't be surprised how humans sometimes behave and
try to look for simple rather than complex solutions.
And with a final
anecdote (monkeys, cash and sex), the book suddenly just stops dead in
its tracks. Weird.
A remarkable, coherent attempt by Financial Times economist Alan Beattie
to understand and explain world history through the prism of economics.
It's chapters are
organised around provocative questions such as
Why does asparagus come from Peru? |
Why are pandas so useless? |
Why are oil and diamonds more trouble
than they are worth? |
Why doesn't Africa grow cocaine? |
It's central thesis
is that economic development continues to be impeded in different
countries for different historical reasons, even when the original
rationale for those impediments no longer obtains. For instance:
Argentina protects its now largely
foreign landowners (eg George Soros) |
Russia its military-owned
businesses, such as counterfeit DVDs |
The US its cotton industry
comprising only 1% of GDP and 2% of its workforce |
The author writes
in a very chatty, light-hearted matter which makes the book easy to
However it would
benefit from a few charts to illustrate some of the many quantitative
points put forward, as well as sub-chaptering every few pages to provide
natural break-points for the reader.
This is a thrilling book of derring-do behind enemy lines in the jungles
of north-east Burma in 1942-44 during the Japanese occupation.
The author was
a member of Britain's V Force, a forerunner of the SAS. Its remit was to
harass Japanese lines of
command, patrol their occupied territory, carryout sabotage and provide
intelligence, with the overall objective of keeping the enemy out of
is admirably yet brutally frank, in his
descriptions of deathly battles with the Japs, his execution of a
prisoner, dodging falling bags of rice dropped by the RAF, or collapsing
in floods of tears through accumulated stress, fear and loneliness.
He also provides some fascinating insights into the mentality of
Japanese soldiery and why it failed against the flexibility and devolved
authority of the British.
The book amounts to
a very human and exhilarating tale.
Oh, and Irwin
describes the death in 1943 of his colleague my uncle, Major PF
Other books
here |
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high-speed event
of March 2009 |
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the Rugby World Cup
scores, points and rankings.
crackling, compelling, captivating games, the new World Champions are,
England get the Silver,
Argentina the Bronze. Fourth is host nation France.
No-one can argue with
the justice of the outcomes
Over the competition,
the average
points per game = 52,
tries per game = 6.2,
minutes per try =
13 |
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the final World Cup
scores, points, rankings and goal-statistics |